[AccessD] Form Controls - Class implementation

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Mon Oct 26 12:26:07 CDT 2009

A.D wrote:

 >     There could be an interesting way to handle this requirement conveniently by adoption of a 
single collection where each of its elements is itself a collection,


Can you say CLASSES?

I used to use collections of collections, and while they do work it gets UGLY VERY QUICKLY!

OK A.D, you have thrown down the gauntlet.  ;)

Here is a class implementation.

Two classes - this is the first:

clsCtlSorted - the collection of controls in sorted order for some object (section or tab page)

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private mstrObjName As String
Private mcolCtlsSorted As Collection

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
     Set mcolCtlsSorted = New Collection
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
     Set mcolCtlsSorted = Nothing
End Sub
'Pass in any collection of controls to be stored in sorted order
Function mInit(lstrObjName As String, colControls As Object, blnIsSection As Boolean)
     If blnIsSection Then
         mStoreSectionCtls lstrObjName, colControls
         mStoreNonSectionCtls lstrObjName, colControls
     End If
End Function
'Tests for and stores section controls not on tabs
Private Function mStoreSectionCtls(lstrObjName As String, colControls As Object)
Dim ctl As Control                  'Dim a ctl object to use in the ofr each loop
Dim intTabIndex As Integer          'Dim a variable to use to generate an error if the control does 
NOT have a tabindex property
Dim ctlParent As Control            'Dim a variable to test whether the parent is a control

     mstrObjName = lstrObjName
     For Each ctl In colControls     'For each iterator to grab controls from collection
         On Error Resume Next
         intTabIndex = ctl.TabIndex  'Test for the TabIndex property
         If Err = 0 Then             'If no error then process control (store in the collection)
             Set ctlParent = ctl.Parent
             If Err = 0 Then
                 mcolCtlsSorted.Add ctl, CStr(ctl.TabIndex)
             End If
         End If
     Next ctl
End Function
'Tests for and stores controls not directly on the section (on a tab)
Private Function mStoreNonSectionCtls(lstrObjName As String, colControls As Object)
Dim ctl As Control                  'Dim a ctl object to use in the ofr each loop
Dim intTabIndex As Integer          'Dim a variable to use to generate an error if the control does 
NOT have a tabindex property
Dim ctlParent As Control            'Dim a variable to test whether the parent is a control

     mstrObjName = lstrObjName
     For Each ctl In colControls     'For each iterator to grab controls from collection
         On Error Resume Next
         intTabIndex = ctl.TabIndex  'Test for the TabIndex property
         If Err = 0 Then             'If no error then process control (store in the collection)
             Set ctlParent = ctl.Parent
             If Err = 0 Then
                 mcolCtlsSorted.Add ctl, CStr(ctl.TabIndex)
             End If
         End If
     Next ctl
End Function
Property Get pObjName() As String
     pObjName = mstrObjName
End Property
'Iterate the collection of controls getting each control name
'and appending it to a string
Property Get pCtlNames() As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim strCtlNames As String
     strCtlNames = pObjName & ":: " & vbCrLf
     For Each ctl In mcolCtlsSorted
         strCtlNames = strCtlNames & vbTab & ctl.Name
     Next ctl
     pCtlNames = strCtlNames
End Property
'Return the collection of controls in sorted order (keyed on TabIndex)
Property Get pCtlsSorted() As Collection
     Set pCtlsSorted = mcolCtlsSorted
End Property

John W. Colby

A.D.Tejpal wrote:
> Run time handling of form controls in the order of tab index.
> ========================================
>     Use of a collection as suggested by J.C., appears to be the optimum 
> approach, provided the point raised by Ken is addressed suitably. A form 
> having three tab controls each with 4 pages, would need 15 collections as 
> each form section or tab control page has its own set of tab indices for 
> controls located therein.
>     There could be an interesting way to handle this requirement 
> conveniently by adoption of a single collection where each of its elements 
> is itself a collection, permitting a generic subroutine to handle unlimited 
> number of tab control pages apart from the three form sections (detail, 
> header & footer)

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