[AccessD] Drew - Help on TreeView Please

Tina Norris Fields tinanfields at torchlake.com
Tue Sep 1 08:14:18 CDT 2009

Yes, Max, amongst newbies.  I don't have that excuse.  <smacks self 
alongside the head>

Max Wanadoo wrote:
>> I still can't believe I was trying to stick a text value into an integer field,
> Don't fret, Tina.
> This is a common mistake amongst newbies  - ducks and runs.
> max
> On 9/1/09, Tina Norris Fields <tinanfields at torchlake.com> wrote:
>> Drew, thanks very much for your help and your full explanation.  I still
>> can't believe I was trying to stick a text value into an integer field,
>> but I'm glad you caught that.  Your additional explanations are making
>> it possible for me to actually use the TreeView control.  Thanks again
>> and again and again and . . . . .
>> T
>> Drew Wutka wrote:
>>> No problem.  I just sent you the fix off list.  Correcting this
>>> particular error showed two more issues which I fixed too.
>>> Ironically, the issue wasn't technically a treeview issue.  However it
>>> did relate to how I personally use treeviews (so my example used this
>>> method).  The nodes of a treeview have to have a unique key. So if you
>>> have ten thousand nodes, each node 'key' must have unique to the other
>>> 9,999 nodes.  With a table, you would use an Autonumber, however, with a
>>> treeview branching out, I will use a 'natural' key of sorts, which makes
>>> the node key more meaningful (and useful in later code).
>>> For example, let's take names:
>>> 1  Bob
>>> 2  Dave
>>> 3  Tina
>>> 4  Drew
>>> The numbers being the ID (autonumber field) from a table.  If we were to
>>> make a set of 'root' or top level nodes with these names, I would use
>>> the following as the key for that node(without the quotes): 'ID:1'
>>> (which would be for the 'Bob' node, 'ID:3' for the Tina node, etc.
>>> Now if I want to include children nodes to the top level nodes, let's
>>> have a table of pets:
>>> 1  Dog(s)
>>> 2  Cat(s)
>>> 3  Fish
>>> 4  Birds
>>> 5  Other
>>> This data would be recorded in a PersonID PetID table, like this:
>>> 1  1
>>> 1  3
>>> 4  2
>>> 4  3
>>> So I would set the children nodes, to use the following Key (without the
>>> quotes) 'ID:1:1' or 'ID:4:3'
>>> So the data above would look like this in a treeview (and I will put the
>>> node keys in parenthesis)
>>> Bob (ID:1)
>>> --Dog(s)(ID:1:1)
>>> --Fish(ID:1:3:)
>>> Dave (ID:2)
>>> Tina (ID:3)
>>> Drew (ID:4)
>>> --Cat(s) (ID:4:2)
>>> --Fish  (ID:4:3)
>>> The advantage of using 'natural' keys like this in a node, is that you
>>> can interact with a node in a few ways (clicking, dragging, etc.) and
>>> when you do so, you will have a node object, WITH a Key.  So by making
>>> the key relevant to what the node actually represents (while maintaining
>>> it's uniqueness) we can actually infer at least two critical pieces of
>>> information by Split()ing the Key property into an Array().  One, in
>>> this case, we know that if the Ubound of the split is 2, it's a top
>>> level node, and thus a Person, if it's 3, then it's a 'pet' node.  In
>>> VB, where I typically use Treeviews, it's very easy to have dynamic
>>> popup menus, so this ability of determining what type of node is being
>>> 'right clicked' allows me to popup different 'defined' menus.  The other
>>> piece of information is the key value to retrieve data (or set data) in
>>> the original tables.
>>> I didn't put all this in the offlist email, but I figured I'd explain it
>>> a bit in case anyone is playing around with Treeviews.
>>> Drew

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