[AccessD] OT: Virtual PC 2007 (MS), CITRIX XenServer, CITRIX HDX...

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Mon Sep 21 07:39:08 CDT 2009

VirtualBox can either allocate all the required disk space when you first  set up a VM or  
expand the image when required.

I made the mistake of doing the first and then trying to benchmark building big tables in 
Access in the VM.   It turned out to be very slow.  Creating the full sized disk up front 
resulted in much better results.  

I suspect that VMWare and VPC will be the same.

So if you are using the VM  to create large record sets, it will certainly pay to allocate the full 
space initially.


On 21 Sep 2009 at 8:06, jwcolby wrote:

>  > 5) I have started VPC and I see that its C: drive has 14.9GB in total and 12.5GB free.
>  >>From the last info I assume that VPC can somehow expand virtual HDD when needed. Please correct 
> me if I'm wrong.
> I am just guessing but I would say that the VM disk is empty and thus compresses well.  I have to 
> say I find it unbelievable that a VM with XP installed compresses down to 1/2 megabytes though. 
> Something ls logically wrong there.

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