[AccessD] Add-In Express 2009 for MS Office and .NET

Shamil Salakhetdinov shamil at smsconsulting.spb.ru
Fri Feb 12 14:32:35 CST 2010

Hi Max et al --

And here is the import part of code - just a working prototype to port to
Add-in in C#. I do not check object existence here etc.

As you can find in my another message I have also get exported MSys* tables
into XML - and that worked(?) well for all the MSys* tables (Access 2007).
Import didn't work even for MSysRelationships but one can use this
information to recreate relationships - just a note...

Thank you.


P.S. Import code:

Option Compare Text
Option Explicit

Public Sub ImportObjects()
' 1. Imports Queries, Forms, Reports, Macros, Modules from
'     text files located \Objects subfolder
' 2. Imports Tables from
'     xml files with schema located \Objects subfolder

On Error GoTo errhandler

Dim strSourceFolder As String
Dim strSourceFileName As String
Dim app As Access.Application
Dim intObjType As Integer
Dim strObjectFileFullPath As String
Dim strObjectName As String

    Set app = Access.Application
    strSourceFolder = Access.Application.CurrentProject.path + "\Objects\"
    strSourceFileName = Dir(strSourceFolder, vbNormal)
    While (Len(strSourceFileName) > 0)
        Debug.Print getObjectTypeByFileName(strSourceFileName) & _
                    " - [" & _
                    getObjectNameFromFileName(strSourceFileName) & _
                    "] - " & _
        intObjType = getObjectTypeByFileName(strSourceFileName)
        If (intObjType <> -1) Then
            strObjectName = getObjectNameFromFileName(strSourceFileName)
            strObjectFileFullPath = strSourceFolder + strSourceFileName
            Select Case intObjType
            Case acTable:
                app.ImportXML strObjectFileFullPath, acStructureAndData
            Case acQuery, _
                 acForm, _
                 acReport, _
                 acMacro, _
                   app.LoadFromText intObjType, _
                      strObjectName, _
            Case Else
            End Select
        End If
        strSourceFileName = Dir

     MsgBox ("Import DONE!")
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unhandled Error in sExportAllObjects(): " & Err.Number & vbCrLf
& Err.Description
    Resume exithere
End Sub

Private Function getObjectTypeByFileName(ByVal s As String) As Integer
Dim intObjType As Integer
    intObjType = -1
    If Left(s, 5) = "Table" Then intObjType = acTable
    If Left(s, 5) = "Query" Then intObjType = acQuery
    If Left(s, 4) = "Form" Then intObjType = acForm
    If Left(s, 6) = "Report" Then intObjType = acReport
    If Left(s, 5) = "Macro" Then intObjType = acMacro
    If Left(s, 6) = "Module" Then intObjType = acModule
    If intObjType = acTable And _
       InStr(s, "Schema.xml") > 0 Then intObjType = -1
    getObjectTypeByFileName = intObjType
End Function
Private Function getObjectNameFromFileName(ByVal s As String) As String
Dim strObjectName As String
Dim intPos As Integer
    If InStr(s, "Schema.xml") > 0 Then Exit Function
    s = Left(s, Len(s) - 4) ' cut fileExt
    intPos = InStrRev(s, "Table_")
    If (intPos = 0) Then intPos = InStrRev(s, "Query_")
    If (intPos = 0) Then intPos = InStrRev(s, "Form_")
    If (intPos = 0) Then intPos = InStrRev(s, "Report_")
    If (intPos = 0) Then intPos = InStrRev(s, "Macro_")
    If (intPos = 0) Then intPos = InStrRev(s, "Module_")

    If (intPos = 0) Then Exit Function
    intPos = InStr(intPos, s, "_")
    intPos = intPos + 1

    strObjectName = Mid(s, intPos)
    getObjectNameFromFileName = strObjectName
End Function

-----Original Message-----
From: Shamil Salakhetdinov [mailto:shamil at smsconsulting.spb.ru] 
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 11:18 PM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Subject: RE: [AccessD] Add-In Express 2009 for MS Office and .NET

Hi Max --

Thank you for code samples - I plan to make it a bit different for first
version - something like the code in P.S. of this message (Export), and
Import will be posted in the other message.

Thank you.


P.S. MS Access DB Export code (watch line wraps):

<<< snip >>>

-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Max Wanadoo
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 12:48 PM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Add-In Express 2009 for MS Office and .NET

Section 3 - Import

That's the lot now.  No form or user interface. I hope it works ok, seem ok
on my test system but caveat emptor as  always.

<<< snip >>> 

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