[AccessD] [ACCESS-L] Is there a way to dynamically hide fields if needed

David McAfee davidmcafee at gmail.com
Thu Oct 7 15:03:39 CDT 2010

A.D., thanks for the code.

I had to modify to work with my ADP.

Right now I have an issue where I have to hit the OK button twice to
make the filter work.

If I put an option stop in the code and step through the function, it
will work on the first click.

This tells me it is a refresh/repaint issue.

I've tried putting DoEvents all over the function as well as before
and after the call, and it still doesn't do it on the first click:

Does anyone have an idea why I would have to press the cmdbutton twice
to get it to work?

This is what I changed your function to:
Public Sub P_HideEmptyColumnsNumeric()
On Error Resume Next
   Dim ct As Access.Control, fd As DAO.Field
   Dim CtSource As String
   Dim subtotal As Double
   With Me.RecordsetClone
       For Each ct In Me.Detail.Controls
           CtSource = ct.ControlSource
             If ct.Tag = "Hideable" Then
                ct.ColumnHidden = False
                Set fd = .Fields(CtSource)
'                Select Case CtSource
'                    Case "invoice_no", "bill_to_cust", "IncDetID"
'                        'Always hide these fields
'                        ct.ColumnHidden = True
'                    Case "item_no", "description", "quantity",
"DlrPrice", "IncentiveAmt", "Unit Price", "TotalIncentive"
'                        'Do nothing, leaving these fields visible
'                    Case Else
                       subtotal = 0
                       If Not .BOF Then
                            Do Until .BOF
                                If CtSource Like "=cdbl(*" Then
                                    subtotal = subtotal +
.Fields(Mid(CtSource, 8, Len(CtSource) - 9))
                                    subtotal = subtotal +
Nz(.Fields(CtSource), 0)
                                End If
                            subtotal = 0
                        End If
                        If subtotal <= 0 Then
                            ct.ColumnHidden = True
                        End If
'                End Select
           End If
   End With
   Set ct = Nothing
   Set fd = Nothing
   On Error GoTo 0

This is the call from the parent form:
Private Sub cmdInvNoEnter_Click()

ShowHeaderFields (False)

If Nz(Me.txtinvno, "") <> "" Then
    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
    'Call the stored procedure, passing it the parameter, returning recordset rs
    CurrentProject.Connection.stpSalesHeaderByInvoiceNo Me.txtinvno, rs
    'Fill in the fields from the returned recordset
    If Not rs.BOF And Not rs.EOF Then
        Me.txtInvDate = rs![TranDate]
        Me.txtCustNo = rs![CustNo]
        Me.txtCustName = rs![CustName]
        Me.txtAMno = rs![AMno]
        Me.txtAMname = rs![AMname]
        Me.txtSSRno = rs![SSRno]
        Me.txtSSRname = rs![SSRname]
        ShowHeaderFields (True)
        Call Me.sbfrmSalesDetailByInvoiceNo.Form.P_HideEmptyColumnsNumeric
 'If I dont call it here, it doesnt work
        Me.lstDet.RowSource = "EXEC stpSalesDetailByInvoiceNo '" &
Me.txtinvno & "'" 'This is to test the list box vs datasheet subform
        Call FormatLB
        Me.txtInvDate = ""
        Me.txtCustNo = ""
        Me.txtCustName = "Invoice number was not found"
        Me.txtAMno = ""
        Me.txtAMname = ""
        Me.txtSSRno = ""
        Me.txtSSRname = ""
        Me.txtCustName.Visible = True
        Me.lstDet.RowSource = ""
    End If
    Set rs = Nothing


    ShowHeaderFields (False)
    Me.sbfrmSalesDetailByInvoiceNo.Visible = False
    Me.lstDet.RowSource = ""
End If
End Sub

On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 9:25 PM, A.D. Tejpal <adtp at airtelmail.in> wrote:
> David,
>    You wish to effect dynamic hiding of empty columns (having no significant value beyond Nulls or zeros). Datasheet form happens to be well suited for this purpose.
>    Sample code in VBA module of the form, as given below, should get you the desired results. It is a generic routine, free of specific names for source query and its fields.
> Best wishes,
> A.D. Tejpal
> ------------
> ' Code in VBA module of datasheet form
> ' (For hiding numeric columns having no
> ' significant value beyond Nulls or zeros)
> '==============================
> Private Sub Form_Load()
>    P_HideEmptyColumnsNumeric
> End Sub
> '----------------------------------------------
> Private Sub P_HideEmptyColumnsNumeric()
> On Error Resume Next
>    Dim ct As Access.Control, fd As DAO.Field
>    Dim CtSource As String
>    With Me.RecordsetClone
>        For Each ct In Me.Detail.Controls
>            Err.Clear
>            CtSource = ct.ControlSource
>            If Err.Number = 0 And _
>                        Not CtSource Like "=*" Then
>                ' It is a bound control
>                ct.ColumnHidden = False
>                Set fd = .Fields(CtSource)
>                Select Case fd.Type
>                    ' Hide numeric columns - if blank
>                    Case dbText, dbMemo, dbGUID
>                    Case Else
>                        .Filter = "Nz(" & CtSource & ", 0) > 0"
>                        If .OpenRecordset.EOF Then
>                            ' This column is blank - Hide it
>                            ct.ColumnHidden = True
>                        End If
>                End Select
>            End If
>        Next
>    End With
>    Set ct = Nothing
>    Set fd = Nothing
>    On Error GoTo 0
> End Sub
> '====================================
>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: David McAfee
>  Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 22:52
>  Subject: Is there a way to dynamically hide fields if needed
>  (Crossposted on AccessD)
>  I'm working in an ADP.
>  I have the pseudo pivot table since I am working in SQL2000 (PIVOT
>  wasn't available until SQL2005)
>  SplitID, IncDetID, SplitTypeID, SplitAmt
>  FROM tblSplit
>  WHERE IncDetID = 5199
>  returns
>  SplitID IncDetID SplitTypeID SplitAmt
>  36 5199 1 15.00
>  37 5199 7 5.00
>  My pseudo pivot table:
>  SUM(CASE SplitTypeID WHEN 1 THEN SplitAmt ELSE 0 END) AS DlrPay,
>  SUM(CASE SplitTypeID WHEN 2 THEN SplitAmt ELSE 0 END) AS SvcMgr,
>  SUM(CASE SplitTypeID WHEN 3 THEN SplitAmt ELSE 0 END)
>  AS PartsDept,
>  SUM(CASE SplitTypeID WHEN 4 THEN SplitAmt ELSE 0 END) AS SvcAdv,
>  SUM(CASE SplitTypeID WHEN 5 THEN SplitAmt ELSE 0 END) AS SvcDept,
>  SUM(CASE SplitTypeID WHEN 6 THEN SplitAmt ELSE 0 END) AS SvcTech,
>  SUM(CASE SplitTypeID WHEN 7 THEN SplitAmt ELSE 0 END) AS Contest
>  FROM tblSPlit
>  returns:
>  IncDetID DlrPay SvcMgr PartsDept SvcAdv SvcDept SvcTech Contest
>  5199 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  0.00 5.00
>  In the actual final display, there are many tables joined to this, so
>  the resultset really looks like:
>  CustNo InvNo ItemNo Qty UnitPrice IncentiveAmt TotalIncentive
>  DlrPay SvcMgr PartsDept SvcAdv SvcDept SvcTech Contest
>  07235 5452 02951 6 54.95 20.00 120.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
>  0.00 0.00 5.00
>  07235 5452 03111 12 40.95 17.00 204.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
>  0.00 0.00 2.00
>  07235 5452 01121 24 30.95 20.00 480.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
>  0.00 0.00 5.00
>  07235 5452 01161 12 36.95 25.00 300.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
>  0.00 0.00 10.00
>  07235 5452 06011 12 47.95 22.00 264.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
>  0.00 0.00   7.00
>  07235 5452 10521 12 41.95 19.00 228.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
>  0.00 0.00   4.00
>  I'd really like it to look like this:
>  CustNo InvNo ItemNo Qty UnitPrice IncentiveAmt TotalIncentive DlrPay Contest
>  07235 5452  02951 6 54.95 20.00 120.00 15.00 5.00
>  07235 5452  03111 12 40.95 17.00 204.00 15.00 2.00
>  07235 5452  01121 24 30.95 20.00 480.00 15.00 5.00
>  07235 5452  01161 12 36.95 25.00 300.00 15.00 10.00
>  07235 5452  06011 12 47.95 22.00 264.00 15.00 7.00
>  07235 5452  10521 12 41.95 19.00 228.00 15.00 4.00
>  I'm still debating on displaying this as a listbox or subform on the main form.
>  I'm thinking if it is in a listbox, simply loop through the last 7
>  colums. If the entire column is 0 then make that column a 0" width in
>  the list box.
>  If I go with a datasheet subform, run a recordset clone and if all
>  values for a given field are 0 then make that field hidden.
>  any ideas?
>  I have to do this on a form and on a report (print out of the form) so
>  I'm trying to think of a good way to do this that will apply to both.
>  Thanks,
>  David

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