[AccessD] Problem Exporting to a CSV file with a Column Name that has a #

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Wed Apr 20 02:59:26 CDT 2011

Hi Brad

Listen to Stuart. 
Once you have this set up you are in total control and will never look back.
The same goes for importing text files.


>>> stuart at lexacorp.com.pg 20-04-2011 05:40 >>>
The best solution is not to use the built in Access export routine.  Roll your own and you can 
put anything you want in the file.


Function Export() as Long
Dim rs as DAO.Recordset
Dim ff as long
ff = Freefile
set rs = CurrentDB.Openrecordset("qryMyExport")
ff = Freefile
Open "myExportFile.csv" for Output as #ff
Print #1,"First fieldname,Employee #,Third fieldname"
While not rs.Eof
   Print #1 rs(0) & "," & rs(1) & "," & rs(2)
Close #ff
End Function


On 19 Apr 2011 at 17:23, Brad Marks wrote:

> All, 
> We are just starting to use an Access 2007 application to feed data to
> another outside system via a CSV file. 
> This outside system is very rigid and we need to use exact field names
> on the CSV file that we are creating.
> The catch is that one of the fields is call "Employee #".
> We set up an Export Specification (called Export-Query1 for our
> testing) and we are using the following command to do the export
> DoCmd.RunSavedImportExport "Export-Query1"
> When we run the application, everything works nicely, except the field
> named "Employee #" is somehow being renamed "Employee ." in the
> generated CSV file.
> We have run a number of tests and it looks like we have stumbled upon
> either a "bug" a "feature", or something that we just don't
> understand.
> Is there a way to force Access to not replace the "#" with a "."  ?
> Thanks for your help,
> Brad 

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