[AccessD] User interface

Arthur Fuller fuller.artful at gmail.com
Sat Aug 27 16:19:48 CDT 2011

My design principle is named after America's first famous stripper, Sally
Rand. She is most famous, perhaps, because she never completely peeled the
onion, as it were. Her philosophy was "Show them just enough to keep them
interested." That's the philosophy I take in my UI designs.Start with a
list; a double click on anything in the list opens a dialog window with the
details of same; often these are tabbed, with the tabs isolating various
aspects of the details, and sometimes with various subforms (i.e. suppose
the main list is Projects; the detail form shows Project Details and its
tabs show Hours Billed and Payments and Expenses).

I also use two color schemes, one for the main list-forms and another for
the dialogs.

Wherever possible, I emulate the Gmail interface, using URLs rather than
buttons for navigation, and buttons for commands within the given window.

I make no claims to being the Ralph Lauren of UI design, but I stick to
these principles and my users seem to get it pretty quickly.


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