[AccessD] Access 2010 Nav Window Question.

Charlotte Foust charlotte.foust at gmail.com
Wed May 18 00:48:35 CDT 2011


Your mantra should be, "Designed for end users who don't understand
what they need."  Keep repeating it until numbness sets in!

Charlotte Foust

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 9:48 PM, Darryl Collins
<Darryl.Collins at iag.com.au> wrote:
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> Hi Everyone,
> If anyone has A2010 and can help it would be apprecaited.  In ye olde world of A2003 I would always use the 'detailed' view in the Nav pane and this was fine.  The DB object icons were small and the details were displayed on a single line per object.  Nice and tight and useful, but in A2010 using the detailed view makes each entry several lines long and takes up too much darn space - even on a decent monitor I can only see a few of the hundreds of objects and you cannot make the pane bigger or smaller to suit..  I figure that streeeeeeching the nav pane to the right would fix that and give Access the space to make a single line of data, but no, All the meta details still stay bunched up on the LHS of the pane and the RHS is just a huge blank space - STUPID!  I hate that fixed nav pane in A2010.
> I can swith to list view, which makes the size usable for all the DB objects, but then you lose all visibility on the important stuff.  Sheesh.  Who designed this nonsense and who UAT'd it??  I find it such a backward step in productivity.  Sure let folks dock the pane if they want, but letting it float was always a good idea IMHO.
> Anyway, I am hoping I am just a big whinger who didn't read the instructions and I can mod the Nav pane to get the view required, but I am not that hopeful :-/
> If anyone can point me to the right hidden options (probably buried 8 levels down on the 'backstage' if it exists at all.....)  urrrrgh.
> cheers
> Darryl.
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