[AccessD] Convert 2007/2010 to 2003

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Fri Oct 28 09:26:24 CDT 2011


I fall in the no tolerance category.  I tend to love new stuff, but I also have to make a living and 
when things just cripple my productivity I move slowly.  When bugs cripple my productivity I just 
wait for the bugs to go away before I go there.  When they don't fix the bugs I don't go there at all.

Office 2000 was a huge rewrite of 97, but buggy.  Office 2002 (XP) was just a massive bug fix. 
Office 2003 was another massive bug fix.  Office 2007 was a massive bug injection.  Office 2010 was 
another massive bug injection.

Say what you want but (like Windows XP) Office 2003 was the most stable version of the product they 
ever released.  IMHO Windows 2007 has achieved that "very stable" status and I am now moving all my 
machines to Windows 2007.

IMHO Office 2007 has not reached that status.  They never fixed the bugs before they released Office 
2010, and Office 2010 added new bugs on top of the bugs introduced (and not fixed) in Office 2007.

So I wait.  For development Office 2003 is rock solid and stable and (mostly) just runs under Office 
2007.  I actually do use Office 2007 runtime because it gives me "free license" to distribute the 
app, but I do the dev under Office 2003 and then just test under Office 2007.

John W. Colby
Colby Consulting

Reality is what refuses to go away
when you do not believe in it

On 10/28/2011 9:06 AM, Mark Simms wrote:
> John - there are hot-keys. In fact in my applications, I try to establish
> them for the users...however, it's tricky because some appear to be
> reserved. What's really needed is a lot more documentation...of course.
> The RibbonX book was good, but it still (after 800+ pages !) was not enough
> for me.
> The problem is: there's so very few Access developers remaining that use
> 2007, and even less that use 2010.
> In fact, this post:
> http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/accessdev/thread/422e15f1-9a44-4e
> 0c-bd1c-9b878ac12f06
> seems to indicate that those trying 2010, are going back to 2003 !!
> Me ? I love the challenge of "working around" the bugs. Others ?:NO
>> One big issue for me is the mouse centric nature of the ribbon.  We
>> learn and learn and learn to use
>> the keyboard.  Never lift your hands from the keyboard.  Hot keys and
>> menus accomplished that.
>> Ribbons destroy that.

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