[AccessD] Trapping Events In A Class (custom events as well as built-in)

A.D. Tejpal adtp at airtelmail.in
Wed Aug 8 06:43:02 CDT 2012

    It is observed that for trapping custom events raised in a form, WithEvents pointer in a new class needs to be declared as that form's class object, as per sample statement below:

' Sample code in class module
Private WithEvents mfm As Form_MyForm

    However, the resulting object does not expose built-in events of the form (like Load, Current etc). 

    On the other hand, declaring it as Access.Form makes available all the normal events of a form but not the custom events.

    For getting access to both sets of events, it is found necessary to set up two separate pointers, one as Access.Form and the other as Form_MyForm.

    Could there be a better course of action?

Best wishes,
A.D. Tejpal

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