[AccessD] Access 2010 query saving issue.

Darryl Collins darryl at whittleconsulting.com.au
Mon May 14 02:17:18 CDT 2012

Hi folks,

Just want to know if others have had this issue.  Often when copying or saving a query (especially x-tab queries) it is like Access needs to run the query first before saving it.  Bloody annoying frankly.   Has anyone else experienced this?  Surely it would only take a few milliseconds to save the SQL string (you would think), but some queries can take minutes to save.


Darryl Collins
Whittle Consulting Pty Ltd
Suite 8, 660 Canterbury Rd
Surrey Hills, VIC, 3127

p: +61 3 9898 3242
m: +61 418 381 548
f: +61 3 9898 1855
e: darryl at whittleconsulting.com.au<mailto:darryl at whittleconsulting.com.au>
w: www.whittleconsulting.com.au<http://www.whittleconsulting.com.au/>

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