[AccessD] How To Make All Controls on a Form Invisible

Todd Harpham toddharpham at qb3net.com
Mon Apr 1 00:57:27 CDT 2013

Hello -

As seen in earlier posts to this thread, there is more than one way to
manage the controls on a form. Here's another alternative.

It's been a while since I've had this particular requirement but this is
some code I wrote to enable and show form controls based on values loaded to
the control tag. 

As part of the form load, the SetControlLocks sub is called.

The sub loops through the Controls collection for the form. For each

If there is no value loaded to the tag, nothing is done.

If something has been loaded to the tag, then enable/disable the control
based on the tag value.

The logic can get quite involved. For the purposes of the sample code below,
I actually stripped out a lot of what was happening in the original app, and
set up some simpler logic for two types of employees (Manager and Rep).
Variables mblnMgr and mblnRep indicate the employee's role.



Option Explicit

Option Compare Database


' Tags indicating employee Role

Private mblnMgr As Boolean

Private mblnRep As Boolean


Public Sub SetControlLocks(frm As Form)

Dim blnErr As Boolean

Dim strTag As String

Dim strCtl As String

Dim ctl As Control

On Error Resume Next


With frm

   For Each ctl In .Controls

      blnErr = False

      With ctl

         strCtl = .Name

         Select Case .ControlType

            Case acCheckBox, acComboBox, _

                   acListBox, _

                  acOptionGroup, acOptionButton, _

                  acPage, acTabCtl, acSubform, _

                  acTextBox, acToggleButton


               ' If the control tag is not blank, apply control security

               If Len(Nz(.Tag, "")) > 0 Then

                  strTag = .Tag


                  ' start with default of 'Locked' & disabled

                  .Locked = True

                  .Enabled = False


                  ' Check for Manager

                  If mblnMgr Then

                     If strTag = "Mgr" Or strTag = "Rep" Then

                        .Locked = False

                        .Enabled = True

                     End If

                  ' Check for Rep

                  ElseIf mblnRep Then

                     If strTag = "Rep" Then

                        .Locked = False

                        .Enabled = True

                     End If         'If strTag = "Rep"

                  End If            'If mblnMgr Then

               End If               'If Len(Nz(.Tag, "")) > 9

         End Select                 'Select Case .ControlType

      End With                      'With ctl

   Next ctl                         'For Each ctl In .Controls

End With                            'With frm



On Error Resume Next

Set ctl = Nothing


Exit Sub



Select Case Err

   ' Error 2164: Can't disable a control while it has the focus

   ' Try to move focus to next control. If you hit the error again

   ' while working on the same control, bypass the disable step.

   Case 2164

      If blnErr Then

         Resume Next


         blnErr = True

         TabNextControl frm

      End If


   Case Else

      MsgBox "Error " & Err.Description & "(" & Err.Number & ")"

End Select

End Sub


Private Sub TabNextControl(Optional frm As Access.Form)

Dim blnEnabled As Boolean

Dim blnDone As Boolean

Dim intTest As Integer

Dim intInd As Integer

Dim ctl As Control

On Error Resume Next


If frm Is Nothing Then

   Set frm = Screen.ActiveForm

End If                     'If frm Is Nothing


intInd = Nz(frm.ActiveControl.TabIndex) + 1


With frm

   Do Until blnDone

      intInd = intInd Mod .Controls.Count

      For Each ctl In .Controls

         With ctl

            intTest = .TabIndex

            If intTest = intInd Then

               blnEnabled = .Enabled And .TabStop = True

               If blnEnabled Then


                  blnDone = True

                  Exit For

               End If      'If blnEnabled

            End If         'If intTest = intInd

         End With          'With ctl

      Next                 'For Each ctl In .Controls

      intInd = intInd + 1

      ' Prevent endless loop

      If intInd > 150 Then


      End If               'If intInd > 150

   Loop                    'Do Until blnDone

End With                   'With frm



Set ctl = Nothing


End Sub



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