[AccessD] I just do not get it.

Tony Septav TSeptav at Uniserve.com
Mon Feb 25 16:19:43 CST 2013

Hey All

This is a group, a family and yes we may all be aging and have been doing so
for years. Why are we not supporting each other by providing information on
new technologies (programs), directions to go and possible alternatives. I
am tired as crap of saying we have all kind of  brilliant people on this
list ( but due to ego problems whatever, we cannot get together). We should
not quit supporting Access, but many of you have moved on "BUT YOU HAVE NOT
QUIT THE GROUP". There are nay sayers and supporters. Let us rally together
and stop the IN fighting and decide constructively where do we go from here.
I do not at the moment have any constructive directions to follow but it
would be sad to see the list just self destruct upon itself.  


Again my whatever worth.


Tony Septav

Nanaimo, BC


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