[AccessD] While on subject of ADOX

Bill Benson bensonforums at gmail.com
Wed Apr 2 22:53:11 CDT 2014

This was the best document I have read lately which helped me to better
understand ADOX and providers.


Says ACE can be used with .mdbs not just accdbs. That could be good to k ow.

It still left me wondering since there is no 64 bit Jet there is
 necessarily no Win 8 / Jet solutions? Or is that an invalid conclusion?

And since there is no Jet, probably no JRO, which means no way to use
ADO/ACE to create an access backend (without Access installed on one's
machine) and create columns, relationships, constraints, and do compacting?

Or is that wrong?

Somehow I thought with Win 8+ I am giving up the possibility of having
Excel create and manage backends on the fly, as I used to do with
Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 (created) and Microsoft ADO Ext. x.x for DDL and
Security (modify / make relationships) and JRO (compacting). I'd love to
find out ACE does it all so long as Office (not Office Pro) is installed?

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