[AccessD] Unbound Form Check For Changes

Salakhetdinov Shamil mcp2004 at mail.ru
Tue Mar 25 09:26:46 CDT 2014

 John --

It all depends of technology (binding source types -  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms743643.aspx )/ORM frameworks ( http://www.frozenelephant.com/List_Of_Dot_Net_ORM_Frameworks.html ) used in back-end-to-UI mapping - as I have noted the automation level of everything including edit collision detection/handling can be from 100% down to 0%. 

-- Shamil

Tue, 25 Mar 2014 10:01:19 -0400 from John W Colby <jwcolby at gmail.com>:
>How is edit collision handled?  Is it the typical "The data has been edited" warning and subsequent 
>edit discards?
>John W. Colby
>Reality is what refuses to go away
>when you do not believe in it
>On 3/25/2014 9:57 AM, Salakhetdinov Shamil wrote:
>>   Hi Paul --
>> In modern .NET Windows Forms or WPF or SilverLight apps "pure unbound forms"  are rarely used for "data-driven" applications. By "data-driven" applications I mean the class of applications, which were/are usually developed using MS Access. In .NET you can "automagically" bind literally everything to the UI controls without manual coding -  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms743643.aspx . What you get are bound but disconnected from back-end forms/controls. So "the only task" is to retrieve data to be displayed in disconnected bound forms/controls/store changed data to back-end. This "only task" can be 100% automatic (no any manual coding needed) or at any degree - 1% to 100% manually coded - it all depends on what back-end-to-UI mapping technologies a developer/ development team prefer, how much customization freedom they wanted to have in back-end-to-UI mapping.
>> Thank you.
>> -- Shamil
>> Tue, 25 Mar 2014 13:03:55 +0000 from Paul Hartland < paul.hartland at googlemail.com >:
>>> hmmmmm just been reading the posts, while I am still waiting for a friend
>>> to get back to me so I can start on a sample manufacturing software piece
>>> for his company, I am looking at tiny little projects such as address books
>>> etc so that I can attempt to learn vb.net, now I have always used bound
>>> forms in Access and VB6 front-ends, but would prefer to start looking
>>> unbound, now as far as I know this means a lot more coding, but a lot more
>>> control...could anyone point me to a good section for unbound forms in
>>> VB.net and the best practices for this.
>>> Paul
>>> On 25 March 2014 05:31, Jim Lawrence <  accessd at shaw.ca > wrote:
>>>> Hi Bill:
>>>> Correct me if I am wrong but are not the major systems in all businesses
>>>> the POS. Accounting, advertising, human resources, inventory and analysis
>>>> are very important but without the POS there is no business.
>>>> Jim
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Bill Benson" <  bensonforums at gmail.com >
>>>> To: "Access Developers discussion and problem solving" <
>>>>  accessd at databaseadvisors.com >
>>>> Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 9:49:53 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [AccessD] Unbound Form Check For Changes
>>>> Jim, Maybe I was not clear, I am saying there is hardly a need BEYOND a POS
>>>> system and most of the ones I have seen are not MS Access based. They are
>>>> coded up and maintained as canned solutions and there is no general demand
>>>> for Access Developers to customize in house.
>>>> If your experience differs...?
>>>> On Mar 24, 2014 9:51 PM, "Jim Lawrence" <  accessd at shaw.ca > wrote:
>> <<< skipped >>>

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