[AccessD] One Accdr (front end) for each User's PC or Share theAccdr file on the File Server

James Button jamesbutton at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Oct 22 07:22:38 CDT 2014

If you want you can use a .cmd file to check a date/time held within a text file

The following is an extract from a script I use to create a backup of whatever
files have 'changed' as denoted by a  file date/timestamp greater than the last
time the backup ran - with the pfile.log holding the run date/time in the form
Note the wodge of code at the start and the echo at the end to post the new

The script was originally using the windows supplied xcopy, and then came to use
robocopy - with the tee.exe to dual the output to screen and a logfile
Some of those using the facility are not allowed to install new software - hence
the windows facilities and tee.exe that is nice, but not essential.

Oh! and the script should, ideally use a zip process for the files to avoid
too-long filenames in the backup, but KISS applied.
Echo off

for /F        "delims=/-: tokens=1,2,3"  %%H in (pfile.log) do (
set bdatest=%%I-%%H-%%J 
set bdaterc=%%J%%I%%H 

Echo   %btimest% %bdatest% >nul:
Echo  btimest (%btimest%) is the datetime entry for the folder >nul:
Echo  bdatest (%bdatest%) is the date of the prior run from the logfile >nul:

Echo  So - make and goto new folder "backup on %btimest%" and xcopy with \date
Echo  Then post param btimest (%btimest%) into the log file  >nul:
Echo  If not before date ask about overwrite  /c /f /h /s /-y    /d:%bdatest%

Echo This script is about to copy files updated on, or after %bdatest% into a
folder named  "%USERNAME% on  %btimest%" on this partition (drive)

Echo  in the following commands    >nul:
Echo              .\ means the current folder and  bdatest  is the earliest date
(mm-dd-yyyy) of files to be copied                           >nul:
Echo              HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH point to the system variables for the
users 'personal' storage area                >nul:
Echo              Note the use above of USERNAME within the folder name to hold
this users set of backups                              >nul:
Echo      - for Robocopy options enter command ROBOCOPY /?
Echo              Robocopy /256 option not used so system should copy files with
long names - accessing them is your problem   >nul:
Echo              Robocopy  /MON:10 option not used - it would rerun the copy if
more than 10 files in the folder change again   >nul:
Echo              Robocopy  /MOT:10 option not used - it would rerun the copy in
10 mins if any files in the folder change again  >nul:
Echo              Robocopy  /MAXAGE:yyyymmdd  is the equivalent to xcopy
/d:mm-dd-yyyy                                                         >nul:
Echo              Robocopy  /R:3 and  /W:2  set retries  limited to 3 with 2
second wait - Don't expect user to close an open file   >nul:
Echo              Robocopy  /XJ options set to avoid copying files via their
'JUNCTION-NAME'                                                   >nul:
Echo              Robocopy  /FP /TS /NP logging options set to list fullnamename
and timestamp of copied files                            >nul:
Echo              Robocopy /TEE and /LOG+:robocopyactivity.log set so actions
will be displayed and added to the named file     >nul:

Echo  on
cd     "\backup of c"
mkdir  "%USERNAME% on %btimest%"
cd     "%USERNAME% on %btimest%"

rem Robocopy   "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\My Documents"
".\%COMPUTERNAME%%HOMEPATH%\My Documents" *.* /S /ZB /COPY:DAT    /R:3 /W:2
/FP /TS /NP /TEE /LOG+:robocopyactivity.log /MAXAGE:%bdaterc%

xcopy   "%HOMEDRIVE%\My Documents\*.*"            ".\%COMPUTERNAME%\My
Documents\"   /c /f /h /s /-y     /d:%bdatest%

xcopy   "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\*.*"
".\%COMPUTERNAME%\%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\"   /c /f /h /s /-y     /d:%bdatest%

Pause Please check the summary, and data files listed above include all that you

dir /s
cd \

echo %date%-%Time% >pfile.log

Pause Please check the data files (listed above) as now being in the new folder
include all that you expect

-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Stuart McLachlan
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 1:47 AM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: Re: [AccessD] One Accdr (front end) for each User's PC or Share
theAccdr file on the File Server

Ah-ha! So you're using scriptiing, not just a simple cmd/bat file.


On 21 Oct 2014 at 23:24, Darryl Collins wrote:

> Here is the snippet of code that does the read / copy bit if you are
> interested.
> ' Read the version text files and compare them.
> if FS.fileexists(destinationPath & "version.txt") then
>  destTxtVersionFile = GetFile(destinationPath & "version.txt")
>  sourceTxtVersionFile = GetFile(sourcePath & "version.txt")
>  copyTheFile = not (destTxtVersionFile = sourceTxtVersionFile)
> else
>  copyTheFile = true
> end if
> if (FS.fileexists(destinationPath & applicationname & ".accde") =
> false) then copyTheFile = true	
> if copyTheFile then
>  FS.CopyFile sourcePath & applicationName & ".accde", destinationPath
>  FS.CopyFile sourcePath & "version.txt", destinationPath
>  FS.CopyFile sourcePath & "Icon.ico", destinationPath
>  copyOtherSpecifiedFiles
> end if
> -----Original Message-----
> From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
> [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Stuart
> McLachlan Sent: Wednesday, 22 October 2014 9:54 AM To: Access
> Developers discussion and problem solving Subject: Re: [AccessD] One
> Accdr (front end) for each User's PC or Share theAccdr file on the
> File Server
> Incidentally, you don't actually need to "read" the two files to
> compare them.
> The simplest way is something like:
> FC AppVersion.txt \\server\database\AppVersion.txt > nul IF errorlevel
> 1 COPY....

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