[AccessD] A2003 - Build a List/Array from Tokens in a blurb

Darren - Active Billing darren at activebilling.com.au
Wed Sep 2 23:33:53 CDT 2015

Oh Dear.
Surprises me that i’ve ever written a line of code in my life - Many thanks Stuart
I see it now (Sigh)
Many thanks

> On 2 Sep 2015, at 11:57 am, Stuart McLachlan <stuart at lexacorp.com.pg> wrote:
> That's because SplitTokens and Tokens are arrays, not strings.
> Try this as your debugging code:
> ...
> DIm l as long
> For l = lbound(Tokens()) to Ubound(Tokens())
> Debug.Print Tokens(l)
> Next
> ...
> On 2 Sep 2015 at 11:41, Darren - Active Billing wrote:
>> Hi Gustav,
>> So sorry for the delay in getting back to this.
>> because I have limited skills in VBA - I´m not sure I know how to
>> implement your cool functions. If I add a MsgBox or Debug.print
>> statement I get a "Compile Error: Type Mismatch" error message after
>> the button click. This happens if I add the MsgBox or Debug.Print
>> lines to the very last lines in your cool function.
>> EG.
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Public Function SplitTokens(ByVal Message As String) As String()
>> ......your cool Function here.....
>>   SplitTokens = Tokens
>>    'Debug.Print SplitTokens
>>    `Debug.print Tokens
>>    'Msgbox SplitTokens
>>    'Msgbox Tokens
>> End Function
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> not sure what I´m doing wrong.
>> Apologies and Many thanks in advance
>> D
>>> On 21 Aug 2015, at 6:52 pm, Gustav Brock <gustav at cactus.dk> wrote:
>>> Hi Darren
>>> Split is your friend:
>>> <code>
>>> Public Function SplitTokens(ByVal Message As String) As String()
>>>   Dim Parts       As Variant
>>>   Dim Tokens()    As String
>>>   Dim Token       As Integer
>>>   ' Split into first parts.
>>>   Parts = Split(Message, "[")
>>>   If UBound(Parts) <= 0 Then
>>>       ' Return array with LBound = 0.
>>>       ReDim Tokens(0)
>>>   Else
>>>       ' Return array with LBound = 1.
>>>       ' Clean parts and fill array.
>>>       ReDim Tokens(1 To UBound(Parts))
>>>       For Token = 1 + LBound(Parts) To UBound(Parts)
>>>           Tokens(Token) = "[" & Split(Parts(Token), "]", 2)(0) &
>>>           "]"
>>>       Next
>>>       ' Split into second parts.
>>>       Parts = Split(Message, "{")
>>>       If UBound(Parts) > 0 Then
>>>           ' Clean parts and append to array.
>>>           ReDim Preserve Tokens(1 To UBound(Tokens) +
>>>           UBound(Parts)) For Token = 1 + LBound(Parts) To
>>>           UBound(Parts)
>>>               Tokens(UBound(Tokens) - 1 + Token) = "{" &
>>>               Split(Parts(Token), "}", 2)(0) & "}"
>>>           Next
>>>       End If
>>>       ' Return array with LBound = 1.
>>>   End If
>>>   SplitTokens = Tokens
>>> End Function
>>> </code>
>>> /gustav
>>> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
>>> Fra: AccessD [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] På vegne
>>> af Darren - Active Billing Sendt: 21. august 2015 02:35 Til: Access
>>> Developers discussion and problem solving
>>> <accessd at databaseadvisors.com> Emne: [AccessD] A2003 - Build a
>>> List/Array from Tokens in a blurb
>>> Hi Team
>>> if I had a field with the following blurb...
>>> Dear [FirstName],
>>> Today is [NameOfDay] and the date is the [DateOfMonth] of
>>> [NameOfMonth]. Kind Regards, {SignatoryName}
>>> I can see in that blurb there are 5 tokens surrounded by Square and
>>> or Curley brackets. How could I run though that text and build a
>>> list of the 5 tokens such that I can produce a list/array like...
>>> [FirstName]
>>> [NameOfDay] 
>>> [DateOfMonth]
>>> [NameOfMonth]
>>> {SignatoryName}
>>> Many thanks in advance.
>>> Darren
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