[AccessD] Dirty Cancel Clear all controls

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Thu Feb 15 00:54:26 CST 2018

Thanks Stuart

Will the result be different from importing all objects into a new file?


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: AccessD [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] På vegne af Stuart McLachlan
Sendt: 15. februar 2018 01:38
Til: Access Developers discussion and problem solving <accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
Emne: Re: [AccessD] Dirty Cancel Clear all controls

For those not familiar with it,  I've posted a copy of Decorrupter at



On 14 Feb 2018 at 14:56, Rocky Smolin wrote:

> I've used the Decorrupter posted here a few months ago several times 
> and it's saved my bacon every time.  It exports all the objects and 
> reimports them and everything comes out looking just dandy.
> R
> -----Original Message-----
> From: AccessD [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf 
> Of Arthur Fuller Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 1:32 PM To: Access 
> Developers discussion and problem solving Subject: Re: [AccessD] Dirty 
> Cancel Clear all controls
> This bug has been lurking in Access VBA for years, and other than the 
> fact that I know what to do when it bites me, I have no information or 
> insight regarding its cause or this bug, or the apparent 
> inability/unwillingness of the Access team to repair it.
> What I have discovered, through trial and error rather than insight, 
> is that a second solution exists: export the code to a text file and 
> then re-import it, which is functionally the same, of course. I've 
> done this and noted that the "junk code" is magically eliminated 
> during the export.
> Sidebar question:
> I've never inspected the exported text from a form to see if the 
> re-imported text can totally recreate the form of interest. Do you 
> know? My thought is that somewhere all this data is stored as text, 
> but perhaps limits its export. I don't really know, but if it is, then 
> reverse-engineering some samples ought to provide enough information 
> to design a text-template system that auto-generates a bunch of forms 
> (perhaps containing subforms, in which case recurse).
> I've written a lot of code similar to the spec described above, in 
> languages other than Access, but never tried it in Access. Do you have 
> any experience in this sort of experiment?
> Arthur 

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