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<P>Thanks, I modified one of the routines and it works splendidly.</P>
<P>I put this in the LbInitialize of the callback</P>
<P>Set rst = dbCur.OpenRecordset("qryreportname", dbOpenSnapshot)<BR> Set Cnt = dbCur.Containers("reports")<BR> <BR> rst.MoveLast<BR> rst.MoveFirst<BR> intCount = rst.RecordCount - 1<BR> intRows = intCount<BR> intCols = 2<BR> <BR> ReDim arRptName(intCount, 2)<BR> <BR> If rst.RecordCount > 0 Then<BR> For intI = 0 To intCount<BR> arRptName(intI, 0) = rst!Name<BR> arRptName(intI, 1) = Cnt(rst!Name).Properties("description")<BR> 'Debug.Print arRptName(intI, 0); " "; arRptName(intI, 1)<BR> rst.MoveNext<BR> Next intI<BR> End If<BR>"YOUR STUFF HERE- <BR> Dim i As Integer, J As Integer, Low As Integer, Hi As Integer, Temp1 As String, Temp2 As String<BR> Low = LBound(arRptName) + 1<BR> Hi = UBound(arRptName)<BR> For i = Low To Hi - 1<BR> For J = i + 1 To Hi<BR> If arRptName(i, 1) > arRptName(J, 1) Then<BR> Temp1 = arRptName(i, 0)<BR> Temp2 = arRptName(i, 1)<BR> arRptName(i, 0) = arRptName(J, 0)<BR> arRptName(i, 1) = arRptName(J, 1)<BR> arRptName(J, 0) = Temp1<BR> arRptName(J, 1) = Temp2<BR> End If<BR> Next J<BR> Next i</P>
<P> <BR> varRetVal = intRows<BR><BR></P></DIV><BR><BR><BR>
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