[dba-SQLServer] scheduling a vbscript

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Tue May 22 20:55:49 CDT 2007

Does DrivemonClient.vbs run normally when you double click in win explorer?
It could be that you haven't pre declared 
Dim oFs , oDrives, oDrive

oops you haven't set ODrive to nothing, it's a class too

Francisco Tapia wrote:

>I have the following script (see below) that I can run by double-clicking it
>on the SQL Server's Host (ie, ProdServer) I get two pieces of information
>from this, first it writes out a txt file to a webserver where we serve it
>up, when a server stops responding (ie, does not write out it's file) then
>the webserver alerts critical people (SysAdmin and Dba (Me)), the second
>part collects all drive information and places it into a 3rd sql server for
>a graphical representation. This allows us to watch space growth and can
>view the online charts to see what the prediction path is. (ie, 3 months
>before we run out of space ,etc...).
>but this code will not run from a job in sql server giving me the only error
>message that I can understand of "The command script does not destroy all
>the objects that it creates. Revise the command script. (Microsoft SQL
>Server, Error: 14277)"
>any ideas?
>' NAME: DrivemonClient.vbs
>' AUTHOR: joe
>' DATE : 9/26/2006
>' This script reports the drive usage of all fixed drives on the system ' it
>is run. The report will be posted to Const URL '
>' Constants for drive types
>Const Unknown = 0
>Const Removable = 1
>Const Fixed = 2
>Const Remote = 3
>Const CDROM = 4
>Const RAMDisk = 5
>dim svr
>' general constants
>'use blat here or on server
>'Const MailServer = ""
>'Const MailServerPort = "25"
>Const URL = "http://ws.PRODcnc.net/drivemon.asp?Drivedata="
>' Begin main code
>on error resume next
>str = ""
>set oFs = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
>set oDrives = oFs.Drives
>svr = "(PROD) " & GetCurrentComputerName ' get name only once for
>performance reasons for each oDrive in oDrives
>for each oDrive in oDrives
>Select case oDrive.DriveType
>Case Fixed
>str = str & svr & _
>"|" & oDrive.DriveLetter & _
>"|" & oDrive.TotalSize & _
>"|" & oDrive.FreeSpace
>End Select
>if err.number = 0 then postdata str
>set oFs = Nothing
>set oDrives = Nothing
>set str = nothing
>dim txtFile
>dim mfile
>mfile = "\\PRODinet\PRODinet_d_root\PRODinet\SqlCheckPROD\" & svr & ".txt"
>Dim fso
>set fso = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
>Set txtFile = fso.OpenTextFile(mfile, 2, True)
>txtFile.WriteLine now() & " | " & "Server: " & svr
>Set txtFile = Nothing
>Set fso = Nothing
>'if err.number = 0 then postdata str
>' post to a page that stores the data
>sub postData(DriveInfo)
>'msgbox DriveInfo
>Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
>Set http = CreateObject("Microsoft.XmlHttp")
>http.open "GET", URL & driveinfo, FALSE
>http.send ""
>'msgbox http.responseText
>set WshShell = nothing
>set http = nothing
>end sub
>' get current computer name (from system environment variables)
>Function GetCurrentComputerName
>set oWsh = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
>set oWshSysEnv = oWsh.Environment("PROCESS")
>GetCurrentComputerName = oWshSysEnv("COMPUTERNAME")
>set oWsh = Nothing
>set oWshSysEnv = Nothing
>End Function

Marty Connelly
Victoria, B.C.

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