[dba-SQLServer] NoSQL etc.

Hans-Christian Andersen hans.andersen at phulse.com
Wed Dec 7 15:57:59 CST 2011


> From what I can gather
> from the ReadMes etc., they are basically a key-value collection, which it
> would seem is designed for web-apps whose principal task is to rapidly and
> scalably retrieve values from the db. 

Exactly. This was the original "raison d'être" for NoSQL databases. Now, things have got a bit more complicated as some of the "NoSQL" options are doing different things. I've seen one or two which try to be a hybrid between a relational database and a NoSQL database, but I don't know how successful they have been (not personally played with them).

It's not just for web apps, however. It is also very useful in super computing where you deal with a lot of data (often times unstructured), a highly scaled environment and then hadoop is then used in conjunction for data analysis.  And, for instance, the Large Hadron Collider is using NoSQL to store their data as well and Rackspace is using it for backend cloud storage. Those are some use cases that come to mind and there are more, but you may find that it has very little use in whatever project and field of work you are in. It's not really meant to be a natural replacement of a traditional RDBMS.

- Hans

On 2011-12-07, at 8:46 AM, Arthur Fuller wrote:

> I have downloaded and installed a couple of these but not yet discovered
> any practical (from my POV) applications of this. From what I can gather
> from the ReadMes etc., they are basically a key-value collection, which it
> would seem is designed for web-apps whose principal task is to rapidly and
> scalably retrieve values from the db. It's not readily apparent how this
> might be applied to a relational database (say, Customers, Orders,
> OrderDetails and Products).
> Does anyone have any insight into actual use of these technologies?
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