[dba-SQLServer] Fwd: Windows Secrets: The Sorry Tale of the (un)Secure Sockets Layer

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Mon Sep 19 18:02:27 CDT 2011

And if we would just hunt down and execute the criminals, publicly, with lots of gore, and a note 
pinned to their chest, it would come to a screeching halt.

Way cheaper than protections.


The other consideration is how many infected computers would be bot-nets without such protections? 
And with the additional billion plus cpus in the bot-net how much more damage could they be doing?

Have you ever heard of Blue Frog?


I was part of that solution, and it in fact worked swimmingly.  Notice what happened to the company 
and the solution.

John W. Colby

On 9/19/2011 6:28 PM, Mark Breen wrote:
> Hello Hans-Christian,
> I am not religious about this, and I suppose I cannot disagree with most of
> what you have mentioned - there are unknown costs.
> The only bit that I disagree with is the "little bit".  The efforts we have
> all spent over the last 20 years to protect ourselves is enormous.  It is
> billions and billions of Euro.
> The only real point that I was throwing out is to remind ourselves of that
> and to attempt to balance the reward for that investment.
> John's comments about average values are of course correct, but the message
> is still valid - billions and tens or hundreds of billions spent to protect
> what sometimes is only millions and tens of millions.
> I just thought it was an interesting take on things.
> Mark
> On 19 September 2011 16:36, Hans-Christian Andersen<ha at phulse.com>  wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> You are correct in the sense that it is not feasible to have perfect
> security. However, I take issue with how financial systems quietly write off
> loses, even if, to them, it's just a fraction of their profits. Their
> analysis of cost/benefit often leaves out the true cost. You have to ask
> yourself: wheres does the money go, who benefits from it and how do they
> benefit from it. In much the same way that the true cost of
> industrialization to the environment was not known or was ignored, money
> stolen from bank accounts and so forth typically go to criminal
> organizations and whatnot, which then leads to problems in the world that
> often leads to taxes and other social resources being wasted. A little bit
> more effort would go a long way and it is very hard to calculate the true
> cost of not fixing things; especially when the solution already exists.
> Hans-Christian
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