[dba-Tech] Blocked Sender's List or Is this the right list forthis kind ofquestion?

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Thu Nov 6 16:30:56 CST 2003

On 6 Nov 2003 at 8:40, Rocky Smolin - Beach Access S wrote:

> Yeah, I'm thinking so.  It appears from my last thread that K9 is the best
> way to go.  Except you still have to delete them by hand, no?  It shunts all
> the stuff it thinks is spam to a folder for you to review?
> Or can you make it automatically delete email with certain words like
> viagara or penis?
It doesn't work on keywords, it works on Baysesian analysis of the 
whole content of the message.

It is a POP3 proxy, it sits between your mailserver and your mail 
client.   That means that when it arrives in your mail client, it has 
passed through K9 and an identifier has been placed in the message if 
it is spam.

Then it's up to you to do what you want with it.  If you use a decent 
email client with good filtering capabilities, you can file it in a 
folder for reveiw, delete it, file it with an expiry date so that it 
will be deleted after x days,  or forward it to your granny.

Lexacorp Ltd
Information Technology Consultancy, Software Development,System Support.

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