[dba-Tech] IEscrewup

Arthur Fuller artful at rogers.com
Thu Sep 18 14:49:08 CDT 2003

Just to see what it would do, a couple of days ago I played with the IE
content control. And now it seems I have forgotten the password -- bizarre,
because I always use one of about 4 possibilities. I must have been having a
senior moment, because I've tried all 4 and it's none of them.

Would I get around this by reinstalling IE? Something tells me that's going
to be easy, given MS's penchant for binding it very close to Windows.

Ideas, anyone?

Meanwhile I'm using Opera for the first time, and it's fast and sort of
cool, but I can't find how to enable cookies. I've looked in the help and
wandered around the menu, but I can't see it anywhere.

Anyone know?


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