RE: [dba-Tech] Calculator

Jon Tydda Jon.Tydda at
Thu Sep 2 09:45:52 CDT 2004

Try running at 1024*768 as standard - I can't believe the size is that
different, I bet that fixes it. If not, habve you installed SP2 yet? That
might be next on your list...


-----Original Message-----
From: Steven W. Erbach [mailto:serbach at]
Sent: 02 September 2004 15:31
To: Discussion of Hardware and Software issues
Subject: RE: [dba-Tech] Calculator


>> If you hold shift and right click on an icon, it brings up a different
context menu, with an entry labelled "Run as". <<

I didn't know that one, though I've seen that dialog pop up at various
times. Thanks for the tip.

This chopped off window thing has actually affected other stuff. I haven't
noticed it yet in Windows XP, but there were a number of times in Win 2000
when I'd be installing a Microsoft program and the dialog boxes would be
truncated: I'd only see about 1/2 of the dialog, the upper-left quadrant. So
I couldn't see any command buttons nor radio buttons. I run my monitor at
1152 x 864, so sometimes I'd be able to proceed normally if I lowered the
resolution and re-logged in as Administrator.

But this calculator thing has followed me over to XP. I do a fair amount of
decimal-to-hex conversion when I'm coding web pages by hand and it's become
a bit tedious to type in the decimal number blindly and then copy and paste
the hex result into my editor.

Is this something, maybe, to do with the video driver?


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