[dba-Tech] The ruggedness of DVD players

Rocky Smolin - Beach Access Software bchacc at san.rr.com
Fri Mar 24 09:21:41 CST 2006

We've got a DVD player but the Play Station is hooked up to the bigger 
screen and we end up playing all the DVDs through the Play Station. 


John Bartow wrote:
> I have an APEX unit which plays DVD's, CDs, MP3s, WMAs, etc. The cost was
> very low so I skipped my usual lengthy research and just bought it. We
> really don't watch very many movies as one could tell by the fact hat our 16
> year old NEC VCR is operating like new yet :o)
> The APEX sits in the armoire right next to, and is hooked into the video
> feed for my 15 year old Sony Mini component system. 
> The APEX DVD player has done the "freeze frame" thing with a couple of
> rented movies - very frustrating! The only way I could figure out how to get
> around it was to go to the next major mark of the movie and reverse to
> almost to where it froze and then continue with the movie from there. Gees!
> That takes a bit of patience!
> A couple of months ago the APEX's CD playing capabilities had to "come to
> the rescue" when the Sony's CD player started skipping when playing CDs.
> When I got a chance to investigate the problem it was caused by the armoire
> being out of level -old houses, arg! Once I leveled the armoire the CD
> player worked fine again. So MAYBE the DVD will work better now too. I don't
> know as we haven't rented any movies for quite a while.
> Point being, if the DVD "freeze frame" happens to one of you fine people you
> may want to get the level out and see if leveling the player helps resolve
> the issue. Let us know if it does.
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Rocky Smolin
Beach Access Software

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