[dba-Tech] Network question - sort of...

Jon Tydda jon at tydda.plus.com
Tue Feb 13 15:53:09 CST 2007

Sounds like it to me. Try disabling the NIC in Device Manager, then
rebooting it, then try to copy stuff off it with the USB cable. If it makes
a difference, then the NIC is fried.


-----Original Message-----
From: dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Bobby Heid
Sent: 13 February 2007 21:37
To: 'Discussion of Hardware and Software issues'
Subject: [dba-Tech] Network question - sort of...

> Hey,
> A good while back I asked about a machine I worked on that was really 
> slow, but I could find nothing on it.  The general consensus was a 
> reformat/install.  The client did not want to do that at the time.  
> Well, he got a new pc and wants me to wipe his old machine.  So I 
> brought the old pc home so I could do it without someone breathing over my
Before the reformat, I hooked it up to my network so that I could copy some
data off of the drive first.  The connection light on my Linksys WRT54G for
the pc is constantly blinking as if I was doing a download on it.  I ran
WireShark on the PC and on my PC so see if I could spot any traffic. I could
not.  Could this be indicative of a bad NIC?  He had a cable modem connected
to the PC via a USB connection.

Data went VERY slow.  I ended up copying the needed data to a USB thumb
drive (even at USB 1.1, it was faster). 

I have reformatted and reinstalled XP Home and SP2. The NIC is getting an IP
address, the DNS server info looks correct, but I still can't browse the web
on it. I can ping the router and my machine.  Device manager does not show
any problems with the NIC.  I just checked, it is an on-board network
Could the NIC get all that stuff but still be bad?

> Thanks,
> Bobby
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