[dba-Tech] Really and for true, how can I...

Steve Erbach erbachs at gmail.com
Sun Jun 1 05:58:12 CDT 2008


Now, now...the reason I started this thread was to ask how to take a
GOOD drive from one system and get it working in another.  Backup is a
different beast.

Steve Erbach

On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Lembit Soobik
<lembit.dbamail at t-online.de> wrote:
> "He said that he's familiar with
> Acronis but he just carries around a spare IDE card and cable for that
> kind of work.  No image drive necessary."
> so, once a drive fails, he picks his IDE card and magically has all his data
> back.
> so simple.
> ehmmm - does he use his 60-foot flat panel for that magic?
> Lembit

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