[dba-Tech] The status of the browser

Mark Breen marklbreen at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 04:25:29 CDT 2010

Hello Jim

I recently spent 90 minutes discussing the future of the desktop with my
brother-in-law who works for Microsoft since he left school.

I said that I believed that in 5 years only, we will see windows
disappearing from the standard desktop and people moving to browser based

He laughed and said no way.  I was saying that for the average user that
needs word processor, spreadsheet and browser, we will finally be able to
get off the Windows treadmill.

Do you think that my time frame is too short?  Considering how fast Chrome
is moving, it could happen.

Paul, my BIL, mentioned video editing, and other heavy apps, and I responded
that those can stay on Windows, but they represent only 5-10% of users, 90%
nowadays just need a browser.  Even accounts software is moving finally, to
a Saas or as we called in in early 2000's, an Application Service Provider -
haha, how old fashioned that sounds now, almost like 80's hair styles on
ladies nowadays.

So, am I completely wrong with my "The Windows desktop will be reduced by
50% in 5 years time comment?


On 31 July 2010 02:48, Jim Lawrence <accessd at shaw.ca> wrote:

> Here is an interesting article link discussing the current world of the
> browser and as related to the internet.
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/07/16/browser_wars/
> According to the latest stats IE no longer holds the dominate place among
> browsers:
> http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp
> What does this mean?
> Jim
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