[dba-Tech] Tim Cook vs. Steve Jobs

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Fri Aug 24 20:52:47 CDT 2012

Changing the topic slightly:

Are you planning to develop for your Nexus or will you just be a comsumer?

I've started learning to program  the Motorola Xoom - I already have a couple of potential 
clients who are interested in using them for data capture.

I was dreading having to develop my Java skills from a very low and half-forgotten base.  
Then I came across Basic4Android  http://www.basic4ppc.com/

For any ex- BASIC  developer (VB/VBA/PowerBASIC or whatever), it's brilliant.

More details: http://www.basic4ppc.com/android/why.html

On 24 Aug 2012 at 19:15, Arthur Fuller wrote:

> On the other hand, I've decided to go with the Google Nexus 7 as my tablet
> of choice. Way more free apps, way cooler design, and emotionally I like
> Google over Apple. So be it. Nexus, here I come!

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