[dba-Tech] Windows 8.1 delayed user logon script

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Thu Dec 26 12:29:33 CST 2013

Hi all

Here's a nasty one. To boot faster to the desktop, Windows 8.1 has introduced a default delay of 5 minutes(!) in running the global user logon scripts for AD. 
This causes much confusion so you may wish to minimize this delay as much as possible.
It can be done by setting some registry entries from the machine startup script called by a group policy:

Option Explicit

' Main script

  Dim objShell

  Dim strPath
  Dim strKeyEnable
  Dim strKeyDelay
  Dim intValEnable
  Dim intValDelay

  strPath = "HKLM\SYSTEM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System\"
  strKeyEnable = "EnableLogonScriptDelay"
  strKeyDelay = "AsyncScriptDelay"
  intValEnable = 1
  intValDelay = 1

  Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

  objShell.RegWrite strPath & strKeyEnable, intValEnable, "REG_DWORD"
  objShell.RegWrite strPath & strKeyDelay, intValDelay, "REG_DWORD"

  Set objShell = Nothing

' End script
' -----------------------------------------------------

I found the solution here:



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