[dba-Tech] PCs are here to stay

Salakhetdinov Shamil mcp2004 at mail.ru
Tue Jan 15 03:43:22 CST 2013

 Hi Jim and Hans --

So the truth is we will have to wait and see and re-visit this topic in
another year and then it will be obvious whose crystal ball was clearest.
Yes. It could be more obvious...

-- Shamil

Понедельник, 14 января 2013, 19:18 -08:00 от "Jim Lawrence" <accessd at shaw.ca>:
>Good article.
>The one point that has been made is that it is not Linux that is fighting to
>get a spot on the desktop (fact is they do NO advertising or promote) but
>that Microsoft by its current products and attitude has caused this huge
>vacuum on the PC desktop.
>We each live in a tiny micro-cosmos of the computer world and you are making
>your assessment from your immediate clients and I am doing the same.
>So the truth is we will have to wait and see and re-visit this topic in
>another year and then it will be obvious whose crystal ball was clearest.
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