[dba-Tech] A new graphic program builder

Jim Lawrence accessd at shaw.ca
Tue Feb 11 18:01:55 CST 2014

Hi Gustav:

Looks like a great product. Too bad it only appears to work in Windows and only in version Window 8x.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gustav Brock" <gustav at cactus.dk>
To: "Discussion of Hardware and Software issues" <dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 2:06:41 AM
Subject: Re: [dba-Tech] A new graphic program builder

Hi all

A very recent attempt (still in beta) has been done for creating apps for
Windows 8: Microsoft Project Siena.
It's interesting as it focuses on retrieving and displaying data from remote
sources using methods that should be familiar to a power Excel user (no
Access here):


The video is only a few minutes but gives a better impression of the tool
than the description. Of course, working with the examples is the better way
to go.
The generated code is claimed to be JavaScript and HTML5 so it should be
possible to customize.

The project is by itself a Windows App so you must run Windows 8+ to take
advantage of it.


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] På vegne af Arthur Fuller
Sendt: 1. februar 2014 19:47
Til: Discussion of Hardware and Software issues
Emne: Re: [dba-Tech] A new graphic program builder


Of course not. Heavy lifting is always required. The trick with these
graphic programming tools is this: do they get out of the way when heavy
lifting is required, or are we trapped in their paradigm?

I often draw an analogy to this situation when it comes to team-programming.
Large parts of almost any custom app can be executed by novices. Small parts
of almost everything worth being paid for require skills. If you recall,
several years ago I hired you to perform some small bits of an app, for
which you had the expertise and I did not. That particular project involved
3 developers. A local junior programmer dealt with form and report creation.
I handled the middle bits, and hired you to write the Windows API stuff that
I didn't know how to do. It all went together in a smooth deliverable, and
an example of what I consider my (excuse the reference to this weekend's
Super Bowl) quarterbacking skills.
After all these years in this business, I know how to pass the ball, and to
whom to pass it, to get the job done.


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