[dba-Tech] Stats on OSS developement

Jim Lawrence accessd at shaw.ca
Wed Jul 23 13:56:11 CDT 2014

Hi All:

Most development programming work is now open source. Below are the stats to where all this work is being done:

    Silicon Valley - 24%
    Asia-Pacific - 14%
    Europe - 31%
    Rest of USA (somewhat even split between NYC/DC, Seattle, and Middle America) - 25%
    Brazil - 3%
    Canada - 3%

And languages of choice are as follows:

    JavaScript - 38%
    Ruby - 16%
    Python - 10%
    PHP - 8%
    C - 4%

The interesting points are that the diversity of development is spreading more evenly around the world and the language choices are curious but put into the context of internet, it is not that surprising.


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