[dba-Tech] The price of free Windows 10

Martin Reid mwp.reid at qub.ac.uk
Thu Aug 6 16:15:10 CDT 2015


That the post I used to turn it all of on my tablet. I also don't use ms account for sign in I use a local account. I will be turning off as much as possible re personal info.

From: John W. Colby<mailto:jwcolby at gmail.com>
Sent: ‎06/‎08/‎2015 18:22
To: Discussion of Hardware and Software issues<mailto:dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com>
Subject: Re: [dba-Tech] The price of free Windows 10

from this:


For example, whileWindows 10 doesn't have a keylogger
your keystrokes and voice to improve spell-checking and voice
recognition. Before having a fit about this, keep in mind
that/every/cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) program does this to
one degree or another. Google Docs, Apple's Siri, Office 365, whatever
-- they all collect not just your final words but every keystroke and
spoken syllable that went into making those words.

So this is supposed to make me feel better about the OS doing it? I can
choose not to use Siri etc.  I can't choose not to use the OS itself.

John W. Colby

On 8/6/2015 12:46 PM, Martin Reid wrote:
> Unless you go to privacy settings and turn it of. What's it really matter when various security services grab it all anyway.
> Martin
> ________________________________
> From: Jim Lawrence<mailto:accessd at shaw.ca>
> Sent: ‎06/‎08/‎2015 17:02
> To: Discussion of Hardware and Software issues<mailto:dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com>
> Subject: [dba-Tech] The price of free Windows 10
> There is a price for a free Windows 10 and whether you feel it is a price you are willing to pay is up to you.
> As noted Windows 10 is less a desktop and more a Cloud based application, that is very connected via the internet and to the Mothership. For those with ample bandwidth its main design is not a problem. This leads to the other main issue of privacy. The policy is that Microsoft give no promise of any privacy to personal data, whether usage, where ever you may search, all applications you use, who you associate with, any interests you may have, provide no security as they manage your SSH and other encryption keys. Your information and content is basically theirs to do with as they please; third party vendors or government agencies. Also extensive validation is enforced on all data and applications to see whether programs are properly registered, proper certification on all communication and DRM to prevent unauthorized redistribution of digital media and restrict the ways consumers can copy content. So when it is said that Windows 10 is free, the answer is yes and no.
> http://www.rt.com/usa/311304-new-windows-privacy-issues
> There are many articles on the subject. The above is just one of hundreds of links. I do not say that you should not use Windows 10 but I would suggest you use it on a computer separate the rest of the network and/or deploy it via a virtual machine. So as long as you use Windows10, everywhere you go, everything you do, all transactions you make, every one you associate with, every program up run, any data you have is being monitored and no tin-hat is going to help you. (It is hardly the OS you would launch within a secure business environment.) The one good thing is that Microsoft made no pretence of your personal privacy so you know where you stand.
> Jim
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