[dba-VB] VB6: TreeView Controls and Drag-N-Drop

Gregory K. Hazzard ghazzard at aelfen.net
Sun Feb 23 08:36:43 CST 2003

Since John was so concerned about the lack of information freely flowing
about this list, I thought I’d get something started that’s been
puzzling me for nigh on a week now.

I’m building a VB app that has a TreeView control (tvwDirectoryList) and
a File List Box (filFileList).  What’s been puzzling me is that there
isn’t a lot of information on TreeView controls for VB6 and I’m having a
deuce of a time trying to figure out how to get drag and drop to work.
I want to be able to drag files from the file list to different folders
in the tree view, and while I found the properties to turn on to make
the TreeView a drop target, and make the file list willing to let you
drag items from it, that’s as far as I have been able to get.  I can
click on a file, and drag it across, and I get the drag icon (that
little greyed out box) but it doesn’t actually select anything in the
TreeView to drop the file on, and when I release the mouse button, no
dropping occurs.

Does anyone have any documentation or an example or even a will guess
about how this should occur?  Thanks.

Gregory K. Hazzard
mailto:ghazzard at aelfen.net
"I'm not saying it's safe for humans. I'm not saying it's unsafe for
 All I'm saying is it that it makes hermaphrodites out of frogs." 
- Tyrone B. Hayes of the University of California at Berkeley, on the
effects of Atrazine on human beings.

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