[dba-VB] VB.Net stuff

John W. Colby jcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Fri Mar 14 19:41:13 CST 2003

I thought you folks might be interested in looking at some of the features
that .net exposes.  The following is a class directly from "Programming
VB.net" by Francesco Balena.  It is fascinating (to me anyway) as it clearly
displays the usage of a whole slew of functionality built in to the .net
environment.  It was really an exercise in demonstrating the ability to add
enumerators to any class (where appropriate) so that people using your class
could use "for each" constructs with your classes.

This class iterates a disk path and returns the file name of each file or
directory in turn.  Please let's not get in to a "it could have been so much
simpler".  I have no idea whether that is true, and really don't much care.
In fact I don't even understand all that is happening here!  I am simply
showing the code so that anyone who is interested can see how the author
uses built in classes such as IEnumerator, and the built in stack class of
the Systems.Collection namespace.  Seriously cool built in functionality
ready to be built upon.

I built a wrapper function:

Module Module1
    Function TestGetEnumerator(ByVal strRoot As String) As String
        Dim f As System.IO.FileInfo
        Dim str As String
        'enumerate all files in strRoot  directory tree
        For Each f In New FileTree(strRoot)
            str = str & f.FullName & vbCrLf
        TestGetEnumerator = str
    End Function
End Module

Which I then used in the OnOpen event of a form to return a string of all
the files and directories in a given path (hard coded), which I then place
into a text box on a form.  What I want to do is have the function be the
datasource for a combo or list but I couldn't figure that out and needed to
move on.  ;-)

The result is an EXE which I could mail to you which opens the form and
displays the file names.  Of course I can just as easily use the file name
to do some processing on that file, likewise the class could be modified to
return any of the file attributes - size, created date etc.

The EXE is ~10k but of course requires that you have the .net environment on
your computer.  Anyone that uses the Windows Update feature to keep their
system up to date with all of the latest patches has probably been offered
the ability to download and install the .net environment needed to run my
10k exe.

Anyway, the class is as follows - all copyrights belong to their owners, not

Public Class FileTree
    Implements IEnumerable
    'The search Path
    Public ReadOnly DirPath As String

    'The constructor
    Sub New(ByVal DirPath As String)
        Me.DirPath = DirPath
    End Sub

    'Return an enumeraable object(an instance of the inner class)
    Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator _
        Implements IEnumerable.GetEnumerator
        Return New FileTreeEnumerator(DirPath)
    End Function

    'The IEnumerator private object
    Class FileTreeEnumerator
        Implements IEnumerator
        Dim DirPath As String

        'This variable contains the Enumerator object for the file list
        'in the dir being scanned
        Dim FileEnumerator As IEnumerator
        'This variable contains the stack of the Enumerator objects
        'for subdirs of all pending directories
        Dim DirEnumerators As New System.Collections.Stack()

        'a simple constructor
        Sub New(ByVal DirPath As String)
            'Save the dir path
            Me.DirPath = DirPath
            'manually call the reset method
        End Sub

        Sub Reset() Implements IEnumerator.Reset
            'The dir object that represents the root object
            Dim di As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(DirPath)

            'get the Enumerator object for the file list, and reset it
            FileEnumerator = di.GetFiles.GetEnumerator

            'get the enumerator object for the subdirectory list
            Dim dirEnum As IEnumerator = di.GetDirectories.GetEnumerator
            'push it onto the stack
        End Sub
        Function MoveNext() As Boolean Implements IEnumerator.MoveNext
            'simply delegate to the file enumerator object
            If FileEnumerator.MoveNext Then
                'it returned true so we can exit
                Return True
            End If

            'if there are no files in the current directory, check
            'for another subdirectory in the cuurrent directory
            Dim dirEnum As IEnumerator = _
                CType(DirEnumerators.Peek, IEnumerator)
            'check whether current subdirectory enumerator has more items
            Do Until dirEnum.MoveNext
                'There are no more subdirectories on this level
                'so we must pop another element of the stack
                If DirEnumerators.Count = 0 Then
                    'return false if no more subdirectories to scan
                    Return False
                End If
                'get the current enumerator
                dirEnum = CType(DirEnumerators.Peek, IEnumerator)

            'We can create a DirectoryInfo.
            Dim di As System.IO.DirectoryInfo = _
                CType(dirEnum.Current, System.IO.DirectoryInfo)

            'Store the file enumerator and reset it
            FileEnumerator = di.GetFiles.GetEnumerator
            'Get the enumerator for the subdir list
            'and reset it
            dirEnum = di.GetDirectories.GetEnumerator
            'push it onto the stack
            'recursive call to process the file enumerator
            Return Me.MoveNext
        End Function

        'The current property simply delegates to FileEnumerator.Current
        ReadOnly Property Current() As Object Implements IEnumerator.Current
                Return FileEnumerator.Current
            End Get
        End Property
    End Class

End Class

John W. Colby
Colby Consulting

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