[dba-VB] Launch and monitor external programs from .NET

David Emerson newsgrps at dalyn.co.nz
Thu Dec 20 23:03:34 CST 2007

I looked and couldn't see the problems you were referring to.  My app 
seems to work ok (fingers crossed).

The only problem I have now is that if I want two different PDF's 
downloaded they can't be done.  The reason seems to be that 
Respond.End() ends the scripting of the page.  Here is my code (simplified):

         boolRPXReport = False
         Dim split As String() = strReportNoList.Split(New [Char]() {"|"c})
         Dim strReportNo As String
         For Each strReportNo In split
                 'Code here gets values for strReportType
                 intReport = CInt(strReportNo)
                  If strReportType <> "pdf" Then
                    'Code here gets ActiveReport and adds it to 
                     boolRPXReport = True
                     'If the report is already a PDF then it should 
be downloaded separately
                     Response.ContentType = "Application/pdf"
"attachment; filename=" + strReportFile + ".pdf")
                     Response.TransmitFile("D:\PDFFiles\" + 
strReportFile + ".pdf")
                 End If
         Next strReportNo

         If boolRPXReport = True Then 'Download the combined report PDF
             If Me.PdfExport1 Is Nothing Then
                 Me.PdfExport1 = New 
             End If
             Me.PdfExport1.Export(rptCombined.Document, m_stream)
             m_stream.Position = 0
             Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
             Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; 
         End If

Is there any way for the code to continue processing each strReportNo 
even after one PDF has been downloaded?


At 21/12/2007, you wrote:
>Looking through the comments from
>http://www.west-wind.com/WebLog/posts/76293.aspx it appears that
>Response.TransmitFile( Server.MapPath("~/images/sailbig.jpg") );
>will fail in some circumstances...  one of the many reasons I prefer
>working with desktop apps.
>good luck!
>Michael M
>From: dba-vb-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
>[mailto:dba-vb-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of David Emerson
>Sent: Friday, 21 December 2007 1:57 PM
>To: dba-vb at databaseadvisors.com
>Subject: Re: [dba-VB] Launch and monitor external programs from .NET
>I looked at the two links.  The first got me in the right direction but
>didn't provide a direct solution.  The second one was an addon for
>Firefox which most of the users don't have.
>However, I have found a couple of links that might solve the problem:
>At 21/12/2007, you wrote:
> >Hi David,
> >
> >I guess the links I sent you didn't do the job then...
> >
> >How about 2 links on the page, 1 to the pdf that will open it in the
> >browser.
> >The other to a zip of the pdf that can be downloaded.
> >
> >Too simple?  ;-)
> >
> >cheers
> >
> >Michael M
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: dba-vb-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
> >[mailto:dba-vb-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of David Emerson
> >Sent: Friday, 21 December 2007 1:27 PM
> >To: dba-vb at databaseadvisors.com
> >Subject: Re: [dba-VB] Launch and monitor external programs from .NET
> >
> >Group,
> >
> >I couldn't work out how this could be done so I am trying the group
> >again.
> >
> >I am using VB.net in Visual Studio 2005.  This is a web application.  I
> >have code that gets the path and name of a pdf file located on a
> >What I want to do within the code is have a file download box open
> >which gives the user an option of opening or saving the PDF file.
> >
> >The Process class doesn't deem to help because it tries to open the
> >file on the web server (and not the user's).
> >
> >My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile Method seems to require a destination
> >path and filename, but I don't want it to automatically be saved.
> >
> >
> >Regards
> >
> >David Emerson
> >Dalyn Software Ltd
> >Wellington, New Zealand

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