[dba-VB] SCRUM: Arthur Fuller is planning to join our team and TargetProcess intriduction....

Mike Mattys mmattys at rochester.rr.com
Tue Apr 7 15:12:57 CDT 2009

Welcome aboard, Arthur!

Feel free to team up with me.

Michael R Mattys
MapPoint and Database Dev
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Salakhetdinov Shamil" <mcp2004 at mail.ru>
To: "dba-VB" <dba-vb at databaseadvisors.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 4:00 PM
Subject: [dba-VB] SCRUM: Arthur Fuller is planning to join our team and 
TargetProcess intriduction....

> Hi SCRUM Team,
> I wanted to announce that well-known and highly respected here and on 
> AccessD and in many places of this small world Arthur Fuller wanted to 
> join our team. He is invited currently by me and Gustav, and we are 
> waiting for him to approve his joining of our team here.
> Hi Arthur, you're welcome to join us!
> As I have written in the very beginning of our project I wanted to use 
> TargetProcess for our SCRUM project planning/tracing. But it needed some 
> time to install it as well as to put project data into it. The latter task 
> is still in progress but I wanted you to try to play/browse the 
> TargetProcess briefly just to see how it works for you. We have five free 
> licenses, and to use the TargetProcess I'd propose to get SCRUM team 
> developers join into pairs (as e.g. in eXtreme Programming but 
> "virtually") - then we can have max ten developers working in our team and 
> using the same TargetProcess system.
> Please find your pair in the team and post your pair nickname here, and I 
> will send you password to use TargetProcess.
> Our team currently consists of 6 members:
> Gustav Brock
> Mike Mattys
> Doug Murphy
> John Colby
> Mark Breen
> Shamil Salakhetdinov
> and
> Arthur Fuller is planned to join us today.
> IOW we will have 7 members from whom 6 members can join into 3 pairs, and 
> we will still have one pair/TargetProcess Account for developers to join 
> us in the future...
> I have to stay out of a pair as I have admin's account
> Current test username and password is test/test and it will be active for 
> one day - please try it here:
> http://shamils-4.hosting.parking.ru/scrum
> The system looks slow sometimes but just for while - then is starts 
> working quickly enough.
> Not sure how intensively TargetProcess will be used in our project in the 
> near future but long term goal is to use it quite intensively as it's in 
> my opinion is a good tool for SCRUM planning/tracing/collecting stats etc.
> Thank you.
> --
> Shamil
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