[dba-VB] Syslogs

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Tue Jun 30 11:43:40 CDT 2009

Yes, but then you have to do more.  IPConfig shows several IP addresses on my work laptop.  One is 
the wireless, which only works when in range of a wireless network, one is a physical NIC, and one 
is a Hamachi IP.  There could be even more.  On my server I have two physical NICS and in theory 
each could have asked for an IP address.

So would the REAL IP address please stand up.

John W. Colby

Drew Wutka wrote:
> There are several ways to get your IP address.  Two I've used is to use
> a Winsock control, and look at the local host IP.
> Another relatively easy way is to dump the results of IPCONFIG to a text
> file.
> Create a .bat file (call it iptest.bat) and put the following line in
> it:
> Ipconfig >C:\ip.txt
> Then using ShellWait (http://mvps.org/access/api/api0004.htm)
> Use this function:
> Function IPAddresses() As String
> Dim f As Long
> Dim strTemp As String
> Dim strArray() As String
> If Dir("C:\ip.txt") <> "" Then Kill "C:\ip.txt"
> ShellWait "C:\iptest.bat"
> f = FreeFile
> Open "C:\ip.txt" For Binary Access Read As f
> strTemp = Space(LOF(f))
> Get f, , strTemp
> Close f
> strArray = Split(strTemp, vbCrLf)
> strTemp = ""
> For f = 0 To UBound(strArray)
>     If InStr(1, strArray(f), "IPv4", vbTextCompare) > 0 Or InStr(1,
> strArray(f), " IP Address", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
>         strTemp = strTemp & Trim(Mid(strArray(f), InStr(1, strArray(f),
> ":", vbBinaryCompare) + 1)) & ";"
>     End If
> Next f
> If Len(strTemp) > 0 Then strTemp = Left(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - 1)
> IPAddresses = strTemp
> End Function
> Whalla, IPAddresses will return as a semicolon delimited string.
> (Obviously you could return an array or create a collection too...either
> way....)
> Drew

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