[dba-VB] C# replace a special character

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Fri Oct 23 16:06:11 CDT 2009

A "listener application" that sit on a machine on a network behind a firewall. It runs 24/7 and 
monitors a TCP Port which is "port forwarded" by the router to that machiine from anywhere 
on the internet.  When a  packet is received, the listener parses it, queries a database, 
formats the response and sends it back out to the originator.

Can you build a TCP/IP server which will run 24/7  in Access? (and in 30KB<g>)

Take a look at the Tax Calculators on my website.  Imagine distributing those to the public 
as Access applications!!!

Lots of other examples if you want.


On 23 Oct 2009 at 15:05, Max Wanadoo wrote:

> Yes, but I do all SQL stuff FROM access. I don't have the performance issues
> that you do (and I understand where you are at).
> So, what does PB do that I need to leave Access for?  I can do ANYTHING from
> within Access (speed issues aside)

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