[AccessD] Please keep your fingers crossed!

Drew Wutka DWUTKA at marlow.com
Fri Apr 25 00:53:11 CDT 2003

The archives are available again! My DSL was not scheduled to be activated
until tomorrow, but last night I noticed all the lights on my DSL modem were
on, so this morning I spent an hour and a half trying to get my new IP
Addresses out of their tech support.  I finally succeeded, and sure enough,
it was up an running!

So, the archives are back online, but that just makes me a little nervous.
When I moved the archives to my home, my DSL provider went bankrupt and
switched their network off 4 days later.  When I finally got online with a
new provider, my wife up and moved us (300 feet away), 2 days later.  When I
finally got back online, with DSL, I it took me a week or two to get them
back online, because I wanted to 'release' them with the new 'indexing'
technology.  After announcing the availability of the 'new' archives, my
building caught fire 36 hours later.

That means, if the current trend continues, something catastrophic is going
to happen in the next 24 hours, that will effect my DSL.  (4 days, 2 days,
36 hours... I know it's not a constant rate of decay....so maybe everyone
should keep their fingers crossed for a full 36 hours to be on the safe

So keep em crossed until the all clear has been given please! <grin>

Drew (Happy searching......)

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