[AccessD] Table for Emp, Location, etc

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Thu Apr 3 17:28:07 CST 2003

On 3 Apr 2003 at 8:57, Hollis,Virginia wrote:

> On setting up a tables for employees, evaluators, their locations and
> supervisors. Is it better to create a table for each (location,
> employee, supervisor, evaluator) then in each table have the
> locationID, supervisorID, etc. Or is it better to have each table &
> join it together in one table with only the key fields, EmpID,
> SupervisorID, LocationID, EvaluatorID?

Assuming that supervisors and evaluators are also employees who have their own 
supervisors and evaluators:

Just one table for personnel - tblEmployees.
Include in the fields of this table two FKs -  SupervisorID and EvaluatorID
Use these to point to other records in the same table.

LocationID points to records in a separate Locations table.

Lexacorp Ltd
Information Technology Consultancy, Software Development,System Support.

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