Seth Galitzer
sgsax at
Mon Apr 7 15:40:36 CDT 2003
CommandBars are very strange beasts. I ran into some strange stuff when I converted the ErrorHandler to A2K VBE. I wanted a submenu off of the Add-Ins menu, and then several items off that submenu. It turns out a submenu is handled slightly differently than a parent menu. It also turns out that the object model treats commandbars and toolbars almost exactly the same, and they are both treated as controls. Note the CommandBarControl object has a FindControl method. Here's some of the code from the ErroHandler add-in to demonstrate this: Private Function CBDoesCBCtlExist(strCBarName As String, _ strCtlName As String) As Boolean Dim ctl As CommandBarControl Set ctl = appCurrent.CommandBars(strCBarName).FindControl(, , _ strCtlName) If ctl Is Nothing Then CBDoesCBCtlExist = False Else CBDoesCBCtlExist = True End If End Function This function is a variation on that found in the ODE samples library, which looks like this: Private Function CBDoesCBExist(strCBarName As String) As Boolean Dim cbrBar As CommandBar On Error Resume Next Set cbrBar = appCurrent.CommandBars(strCBarName) If Err = 0 Then CBDoesCBExist = True Else CBDoesCBExist = False End If End Function I used both in various places, although both are probably not needed. When initializing the whole thing, I create both the add-in submenu and the toolbar first, and then add sub-items later. Here's the code for that: Public Const conMenuName = "Add-Ins" Public Const conSubMenuName = "C2DbFrameWizMenu" Public Const conTBarName = "C2DbFrameWiz" Function InitCommandBars() As Boolean Dim cbrMenu As CommandBar Dim cbrTbar As CommandBar Dim ctlCBarCtl As Office.CommandBarControl 'Set up the toolbar first If CBDoesCBExist(conTBarName) = False Then Set cbrTbar = appCurrent.CommandBars.Add(conTBarName) cbrTbar.Position = msoBarTop cbrTbar.Visible = True End If 'Set up the Add-in submenu next On Error Resume Next Set cbrMenu = appCurrent.CommandBars(conMenuName) Set ctlCBarCtl = cbrMenu.Controls(conSubMenuName) If Err <> 0 Then Err.Clear Set ctlSubMenu = cbrMenu.Controls.Add(msoControlPopup) ctlSubMenu.Caption = "&" & conTBarName End If If Err = 0 Then InitCommandBars = True Else InitCommandBars = False End Function Note that in this case, appCurrent is a global pointer to the current instance of the VBIDE object. If you just want it for Access, I think you can just use the built-in Application object. So once the "parent" commandbars are initialized, I add the menu items using the following code: Function AddCommandBarControl(strCommandBarName As String, _ strControlName As String, strControlCaption As String, _ strAction As String, intResBitmap As Integer, _ Optional bAddToSubMenu As Boolean = False, _ Optional lngType As Long = 1, Optional lngStyle As Long = 3, _ Optional strShortcut As String = "") As Office.CommandBarButton On Error Resume Next Dim cbrNew As Object Dim ctlCBarControl As Office.CommandBarButton ' Toolbars are handled slightly differently from menubars, ' so set a parent object here If bAddToSubMenu Then Set cbrNew = ctlSubMenu Else Set cbrNew = appCurrent.CommandBars(strCommandBarName) End If ' Only add the control if it's not there already If CBDoesCBCtlExist(strCommandBarName, strControlName) = False Then With cbrNew Clipboard.SetData LoadResPicture(intResBitmap, _ vbResBitmap), vbCFBitmap Set ctlCBarControl = .Controls.Add(lngType) With ctlCBarControl .Tag = strControlName .Caption = strControlCaption .PasteFace .Style = lngStyle .OnAction = strAction If Len(strShortcut) > 0 Then .ShortcutText = strShortcut End With End With End If Set AddCommandBarControl = ctlCBarControl End Function The Init function andt his function are called when the add-in is activated (when the VBE IDE starts up). Here's an excerpt from that: ' Constants for characters surrounding ProgID. Public Const PROG_ID_START As String = "!<" Public Const PROG_ID_END As String = ">" If InitCommandBars Then 'If we were successful in creating the commandbars 'Create the error handler toolbar buttons Set ctlTBarErrHndlrEvents = AddCommandBarControl(conTBarName, _ "ErrHndlrBldr", "&Error Handler", PROG_ID_START & _ AddInInst.ProgId & PROG_ID_END, conResBmpErr) ' skip a bunch more of these 'Create the error handler menu bar selection Set ctlMenuErrHndlrEvents = AddCommandBarControl( _ conSubMenuName, "ErrHndlrBldrMenu", "&Error Handler", _ PROG_ID_START & AddInInst.ProgId & PROG_ID_END, _ conResBmpErr, True, , , "Ctrl+Shift+Z") ' skip a bunch more of these End If Some of this isn't totally relevant, but I hope it will give you an idea of what's involved at the level of creating commandbars and commandbar items. Seth On Mon, 2003-04-07 at 14:47, Susan Harkins wrote: > If a CommandBarControl on a menu bar contains submenus, how do I cycle > through that control's collection to list the submenus? This is driving me > nuts -- I can't figure out how to reference a control's Collection -- does a > control have a collection? I'm assuming it does if there are submenus????? > > > Dim cbarMenu As CommandBar > Dim cbarControl As CommandBarControl > Dim cbarSub As CommandBarControl > 'Dim cbarcolControls As CommandBarControls > Set cbarMenu = CommandBars(barname) > For Each cbarControl In cbarMenu.Controls > If cbarControl.Id = controlname Then > For Each control in cbarControl's collection... > > > This is where I get lost -- at this point, I need to declare cbarControl's > collection, and I can't get it. > > > Susan H. > -- Seth Galitzer sgsax at Computing Specialist Dept. of Plant Pathology Kansas State University