[AccessD] OT StartOffice

Seth Galitzer sgsax at ksu.edu
Wed Apr 9 14:07:06 CDT 2003


The database has always been seperate, not sure why, other than
tradition.  The name of the database app is Adabase D.  If you can find
that somewhere then you're home free.  I think I have a copy of it, but
the uni here also has a software contract with Sun.  I will say that 6.0
was a huge improvement over 5.2, mostly because 5.2 had a massive
integrated desktop environment that you had to use in order to use the
suite.  6.0 got rid of that garbage entirely.  I think it's much nicer


On Wed, 2003-04-09 at 13:41, Mwp.Reid at Queens-Belfast.AC.UK wrote:
> Thanks Seth
> Just installed it on Win XP Pro. Giving it a look now. Only thing didnt 
> install was the database which is not part of the default set up files and  
> cant find it on sun site.
> Martin

Seth Galitzer			sgsax at ksu.edu
Computing Specialist		http://puma.agron.ksu.edu/~sgsax
Dept. of Plant Pathology
Kansas State University

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