[AccessD] Replace Special Characters

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Thu Apr 10 18:42:05 CDT 2003

On 10 Apr 2003 at 15:07, Drew Wutka wrote:

>  if IsNumeric(mid(strOriginal,i,1)) Or _
>  (Asc(mid(UCase(strOriginal),i,1))>=65 And _
>  Asc(mid(UCase(strOriginal),i,1))<=90) Then

If you are using it on a lot of records, it would probably be worth optimizing it with:

Dim strChar As String
Dim lngAsc As Long
strChar = Mid$(strOriginal, i, 1)
lngAsc = Asc(UCASE$(strChar))
If IsNumeric(strChar) Or (lngAsc >= 65 And lngAsc <= 90) Then
    strTemp=strTemp & strChar

The Mid() and Ucase() functions return a variant, the Mid$() and Ucase$() functions 
return a string  which is quicker to manipuate subsequentlty.

Evaluating Mid$() once and then using a defined string for subsequent operations will 
also shave time.

Actually, I  suspect this would be even quicker:

Dim strUnwanted as String
strwanted = 
strChar = Mid$(strOriginal, i, 1)
If Instr(strWanted,StrChar) Then  strTemp=strTemp & strChar

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