[AccessD] Access and VB6 question

Seth Galitzer sgsax at ksu.edu
Tue Apr 15 11:44:22 CDT 2003


This is actually very easy.  Just use the Shell() function to open
Access with a particular mdb, just like in a shortcut.  The execution
string would be something like:

"""C:\Full\Path\To\msaccess.exe"" ""C:\Full\Path\To\YourApp.mdb"""

If you want additional commandline flags, jsut add them to the string.

If you don't include code in your VB app to close after shelling out,
then it will be open when you close the Access app.


On Tue, 2003-04-15 at 10:39, Jeff Barrows wrote:
> I need to be able to open an Access 2k front end from a VB6 application.  I want the users to click a button on my VB form and have the code open the Access FE in front of the VB app.  Then, when we close the Access app, the VB app is already there.  Can anyone help me with this?
> Jeff Barrows
> Outbak Technologies, LLC
> jeff at outbaktech.com

Seth Galitzer			sgsax at ksu.edu
Computing Specialist		http://puma.agron.ksu.edu/~sgsax
Dept. of Plant Pathology
Kansas State University

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