[AccessD] Setting up a strange report

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Thu Apr 24 16:12:20 CDT 2003

On 24 Apr 2003 at 11:47, Klos, Susan wrote:

> Thanks, Don.  This worked so far.  I may have to ask later how to
> group them.  I had to list them with the same headers (I think) and
> the only way to distinguish between the groups is by the number in the
> ordr field. Lodging numbers from 1 - 19, Food services from 20 - 39
> and Miscellaneous from 40 - 59. 

Before you ask - Look at Sorting and Grouping in the report. 
Try:  Group On: Interval, GroupInterval:20 
In the group header on format, use a Select Case ordernumber to put 
the appropriate text into a label or textbox

Lexacorp Ltd
Information Technology Consultancy, Software Development,System 

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