[AccessD] Link to XML File

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Fri Apr 25 02:10:18 CDT 2003

 You could read in xml file  as an ADO stream

Dim rs as new Recordset
Dim rs2 as new Recordset
Dim c as new Connection
Dim s as new Stream

' Query the Titles table.
c.Open "provider=sqloledb;data source=mydb;initial catalog=pubs;user 
rs.cursorlocation = adUseClient
rs.Open "select * from titles", c, adOpenStatic

' Save to the file in the XML format. Note that if you don't specify
' adPersistXML, a binary format (ADTG) will be used by default.
rs.Save "titles.sav", adPersistXML

' Save the Recordset into the ADO Stream object.
rs.save s, adPersistXML

set rs = nothing

' Reopen the file.
rs.Open "titles.sav",,,,adCmdFile
' Open the Stream back into a Recordset.
rs2.open s

Rudolf F. Vanek wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a way I can link via code to an external XML File.
> Access XP!
>  Thanks
> Rudolf F. Vanek
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