OT: Setting up a virtual disk - Was: Re: [AccessD] Setting up aram disk

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Sat Apr 26 12:35:50 CDT 2003

Hi Shamil

> I'm not sure that these virtual CDs(first three URLs below) are what I'm
> looking for but I've to check that.

Neither am I.

A file for a disk sounds more like what the old Stacker, DoubleSpace
and DriveSpace compression utilities offered. But those are not
dynamic and don't work with NTFS.

Still wondering what your purpose or application could be ... here's a
toolkit to provide that functionality:


Also, what you describe is somewhat what some encrypting utilities do.
Here's one:


> What I wanted is:

> - create a file say 500MB;
> - assign a drive letter to this file;
> - let/force ms windows to treat this file as a 500MB hard drive - a virtual
> 500MB hard-drive;
> - be able to dynamically(i.e. without reboot) create, format, use(copy files
> on it, delete/move files from it etc.) and delete such virtual hard drives.
> I.e. this virtual drive(500MB file) should have internally the same file
> structure as a real physical 500MB hard drive or 500MB partition of a
> physical hard drive...

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